Wednesday, September 16, 2020

News Update: The Quest in the Midwest continues...

By Chaz Hamilton

Good afternoon. Your friend at the Sentinel, Chaz Hamilton here once again. I'm here to plea for all heroes to come to the designated area and help BADGE recover Ruby Shard Fragments.

This time, I come to you from the great city of Louisville, Kentucky. Catalyst and I have come here searching for ruby shards in the downtown district, where patrons of the businesses have reported tiny miniature meteor strikes a few days ago.

I have with me here Willard Ford, a server at the Great Spaghetti Factory. Can you tell me what you saw a few days ago.

Willard: Wow. I can't believe it. Am I actually being interviewed for an article in the Sentinel?

Chaz: Yes, you can believe it. We've come here based on the report you shared with the local police.

Willard: How did you find out about that?

Chaz: The police shared your account with BADGE agents. They are very interested in locating these ruby shards that have fallen.

Willard: But how did you find out about that? I don't want to get in trouble with anyone.

Chaz: No need to worry. I'm currently here with a BADGE agent myself as he investigates different locations. I'm assisting by following up on leads on local sightings and such.

Willard: OK... Do you have an ID or something? 

Chaz pulls out his press badge and shows it to the young man: Everything's on the up and up, as you can see. Now, back to what you observed a couple of days ago.

Willard: So, you're in good with BADGE, then. Aren't you?

Chaz: I try to do my part.

Willard: Do you think you could get me in to see Director Nova? I want to be a superhero.

Chaz: That's... interesting, Mr. Ford. What powers do you have?

Willard: I don't have any powers, but I want some. Do you think they have a super-injection or pill I could take to get some?

Chaz: I don't know. Powers come from many different places, but most of them come from Morphon exposure recently. It's kind of a random thing.

Willard: That's what they say, but with killer babes like Krystal Fae and Crossroads working for BADGE, I bet they've come up with some secret methods to turn normal people into capes. Meta-radiation exposure. Genetically modified spider-monkey venoms. A way an ordinary Joe like you or I could get some juice, ya' know.

Chaz: I don't think that's what BADGE does. They are here to serve and protect people, not create an army of supers. That was Legion's plan in the first place when they exposed the world to Morphons.

Willard: Can you get me in to talk to Director Nova or not?

Chaz: Well, to be honest, right now I can't even seem to get in to talk to Director Nova, unfortunately. But I don't believe that would help you become a superhero.

Willard: But we need more heroes. There are some weird people out wandering the streets at night. A couple nights ago, I saw this freak with glowing hands wandering in the alley outside the restaurant.

Chaz: Yes, (FINALLY! Chaz whispers to himself), what did you see? Was this before or after the red shards fell?

Willard: After. He came up to a jewelry store just down the way and smashed through the front window. He held up his glowing fist and the glass cases shattered and necklaces and rings floated out the window into his hands. He tossed away anything that didn't have a ruby in it, leaving them on the sidewalk like trash.

Chaz: Based on your description, BADGE has identified it as the villainous Dr. Morphon.

Willard: He freaked a lot of people out. That's why we need more heroes here in Louisville. To help keep us safe.

Chaz: You're right. If a villain like him is out looking for them, who knows who or what else might be. I still have unsubstantiated reports of a Mythic level threat out there looking for these shards as well. Every hero should be on duty looking to help out in this time of need.

Willard: Director Nova. If you need a test subject, let me know. I'll volunteer, as long as it won't hurt too much.

Chaz: This is Chaz Hamilton, reporting again from Louisville, Kentucky. Happy Hunting, heroes. Keep the Quest in the Midwest going until the good guys win!
