Friday, September 4, 2020

KOTM Challenges

By Starmaster

    Have you ever heard the term social climbers before? It refers to people who try to work their way up the social ladder to become more affluent, more influential, and basically more popular. Here at Heroes Rising, we prefer a more direct approach to earning respect form our peers; beating them up in ritual combat.

    We call them the King Of The Mountain tournaments, or KOTM.

    In these battles, challengers vie for the top honors in combat in different divisions, as opposed to the training that takes place in Fight Clubs where a participant can fight an opponent of any skill level. There are several types of KOTM challenges: The Leaderboard, a named bout (such as Ruby, Diamond, or Chivalry in recent tournaments), a Duel, or a Chono event.

    Each of these rivalries has a slightly varied set of rules for determining winners. With them all, there is one Gold placement, 4 Silver placements, and 10 Bronze placements. Each division has a payout for winning that is appropriate to the division’s tier, where the prize power cards improve as you rise in level. Power cards gained are either Morphon or Crystal based for leveling.

    One change between a standard battle and a KOTM challenge is the amount of experience gained when you defeat an opponent. A KOTM battle will reward a winning character with an altered rate of experience. For lower level characters, these experience gains are typically more than what you would gain in a battle, where at higher levels the gains are lower than a direct challenge outside KOTM.

    Understanding the rules of each type of challenge is important. For instance, when you lose a League War battle, the loss counts as a defensive win for your opponent. There are no defensive wins in a KOTM challenge. What matters is the rank achieved or accumulated points earned at the conclusion of the event. Each type of KOTM event has its own set of instructions, except for the Leaderboard which is a universal climb to the top for every level character to participate in.

  • A straight up named bout, such as those previously mentioned, is a fight for the top position on the ranking ladder. There is a standard two hour window for wrapping the battle up, but camping out and waiting until the last moments to strike is a possible tactic to take the top prize.

  • · A Duel is a fight with specific limitations on the number of cards you are able to use in combat. For example, a player might only be allowed to use their top five cards in each category (Attack, Defense, and Movement). There isn’t a choice in this for which cards. Your five highest value cards will be used. So, if you frequently want to perform well in this, pay attention to the cards you level up so you can maximize the values you can use, as not all Power Cards are created equally.

  • · A Chrono event is a longer event that assigns a point value based on your rank at a certain random time during the competition. Typically, the first segment is hourly, then it moves to twice and hour, and finally closes at four times an hour. For a Chrono event, a player should check their rank often and cannot wait until the last few minutes of battle to sneak in an take the crown.

    Some of these KOTM events can be merged, such as a Chrono-Duel, where the rules of both a Duel and Chrono- event are followed.

    Outright winning a Gold ranking in the three events listed above adds a second degree of challenge for players below Division One. When you take Gold in Division Two or lower, your next four entries in a KOTM challenge will be in the next highest division. A big fish in one pond could suddenly find themselves a smaller fish fighting sharks for the next several days.

    If you look at the levels of Division assignments, you will find that the separation varies slightly with every new event. Division Six may be from levels 1-26 in some instances and levels 1-29 in others. Another interesting fact to note is the gap between the level ranges. They very as well. Division 2 could be from levels 27-39 (encompassing 13 different player levels) and Division 3 from levels 40-89 (encompassing 49 different player levels).

    KOTM allows you to be aware of an opponents Core previous to engaging them in a battle. Pay close attention and use that knowledge to your advantage.

    Good luck to everyone in the KOTM. You may be top dog some of the time, but there is always someone behind you waiting to knock you down. Remember Chumbawamba’s words of wisdom at those moments. “I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down!