Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Even More Tips for Beginners

by Ralph Bowman

Please read the post by Chromatic Death/RJ Ragan


This is advice from a man who knows what he’s doing and his hero record proves that fact.

However, I think he has ignored a viable build method in favor of his own, albeit very effective, build method. His method focuses on using Morphons to buy spins in the shuffle, which is the best way to get the most powerful cards. Using the Mystery Shuffle is, without doubt, the best way to get the most powerful cards available in the game. It also gives you a chance at the most powerful gear available in the game. But this method is only as effective as your wallet. If you do not have the funds to enter into league or group buys or buy your own Morphons on a regular basis, you will always fall short of filling out your Power Card limits.

For example, at level 14, when you are finally able to access the Mystery Shuffle your hero can have 70 cards each of Attack, Defense, and Movement. Using the 3-spin option on the Shuffle to get a total of 210 cards would cost you, at the current rate of 180 Morphon Points per triple spin, a minimum of 12,600 Morphons. If you are not part of a league that does league buys or in a group of friends that does group buys, that cost is going to be all on you. As it is you would still have to invest money into the group or league buy to get the Morphons. If you have the money to invest, by all means do it! You will get the best value for your money and get the best cards available.

But, if you can’t afford that except every once in a while, you will start to fall short of keeping your maximum number of cards for your level filled. You will want to fill in the missing cards with cards purchased using BUX or Crystals. The Power Cards available for Bux and Crystal are not as powerful as those you can by with Morphons. Likewise, the Power Cards you can buy with Morphons are not as powerful as the ones you can win through the Mystery Shuffle. However, they are all surprisingly useful.

You earn BUX through your Career choice, by doing Missions, defeating other heroes in duels and taking their lunch money (whatever BUX they haven’t banked), and completing Daily Quests. When you begin your hero adventure, you have a career of Janitor, which pays you $150 Bux per hour. You can bank any Bux you earn to keep them safe from other heroes. As you rise in levels, other careers will be available for you to purchase the training for. They will cost you more Bux as your level increases.

In each Mission, you perform various hero tasks, such as saving a cat from a tree or stopping a gang war, up to fighting criminals, both minor villains (mini-bosses) and Major Criminal Masterminds (Final Boss). Throughout these heroic adventures, you will receive Bux and, possibly, keys that allow you to access the min-bosses and Final Boss. You may also receive Power Cards and even helpful Gear as rewards. The higher the mission, the more powerful the Power Cards and Gear you can earn. The Power Cards can be sold for Morphon Points and the Gear for Bux, Crystals, or Morphon Points depending on the gear. Until you have a surplus of better Power Cards and Gear, though, keep and use these rewards.

Crystal is earned by mining and through the Fight Club. You have your own person Crystal Mine you can collect Crystal from on your Profile page. You can also earn Crystals by helping your friends on the Friends page mine Crystals. Just click on the friend to be taken to their Profile page and you can earn Crystals by helping them collect their Crystals (you can also give your friends gifts of Hateoraids and More-Fun bars).

The Fight Club is essentially a 20 person duel. When you enter a Fight Club you are assigned to the room. As each room reaches the 20 person limit, another room is opened. You can see who is in the room that is available before you join by clicking on the last Room link. When you join a Fight Club room, you immediately earn 10 Crystals and 2 MP and each fight won pays Crystal equal to double the energy spent. Even if you can’t beat anyone in the room, you still earn 10 Crystals and 2 MP! For Free!

Power Cards that you purchase with Crystals or Morphon Points have an advantage over BUX purchased Power Cards. Bux Cards all have an hourly upkeep charge, while Crystal and Morphon Power cards do not. This limits the number of BUX Power Cards you can have at any one time. You have to balance the cost of the upkeep of all your Bux Power Cards with your income. If your upkeep cost is too high and causes your Net Income to be negative, the system will draw the excess upkeep out of your bank balance. If there isn’t enough money in your bank account to cover the upkeep, the system will begin to sell off your Bux Power Cards to pay for the upkeep. You’ll want to avoid that. If possible balance your upkeep and income as closely as possible to maintain a near zero Net Income.

Also offered in the Power Card Store are special Power Cards. Some cards are created for special events, holidays, or to honor someone. Some of the cards are offered free of Charge, usually one to a player, but some do have a Morphon cost and are also limited in how many you may buy. Sometimes, there will be a special Power Card offered in what is called a BOOST sale.

A BOOST sale is when the game offers a Power Card beginning at a set price with a limited number of cards available. As the sale progresses, the Morphon cost of the card will increase at predetermined sales milestones. Each time the price increases, the Attack, Defense, and Movement values will also increase, as will the upgrade cost of the card. When all available cards are sold or the sale duration has expired, the final ability levels of the card will be locked.

In the end, my opinion is to use all three purchase methods to create a powerful hero. Use Bux and Crystals to buy Power Cards until you can use the Mystery Shuffle. When you can use the Mystery Shuffle, spend as much as you are able to on the Mystery Shuffle and on buying Morphon Power Cards from the store, purchase as many Crystal Power Cards and Bux Power Cards to fill in the gaps to keep your Power Cards at the top of your Card limit while balancing Net Income with upkeep. And, as you level, you will have access to more powerful Bux and Crystal Power Cards. Sell your lower level Bux and Crystal Cards and trade them for higher level cards, always balancing Net Income and Upkeep.

I hope this helps!

Good luck, and have fun Heroing!
