Monday, September 7, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Thief Part 1


Nova stood in the middle of the primary operations center of the new BADGE space station. Massive monitors displayed read-outs for every kind of sensor and visual recording device available. Screens flicked from Hong Kong to London, New York to Mexico City. Data flew by as they scanned these locations with intense scrutiny.

Robots worked dozens of computer consoles that operated the vast array of visual and sensor equipment available to BADGE. At any given moment, they were processing a trillion gigabytes of data.

The screens were silent, the robots hardly made any noise, and Nova stood as still as a statue, his one eye never leaving that screen.

The door of the room opened and Agent Justin came in carrying several computer tablets. He paused at the sight of all the robots furiously working and the dazzling lights of the screens in motion. Finally, he approached the stoic Director. “Sir? Any news?”

Nova spent a good moment deep in his thoughts. He broke his silence and said, “Nothing. Not one iota of a trace can be found of her across the planet.”

Justin gulped and held up the first tablet. “I just got word back from Santa and Starmaster, they have searched both the north and south pole...nothing. Santa has explored all of Krampus’s known hiding places and came up dry. If Santa Claus cannot find someone...what does that mean?”

“She is out there. They took her for a reason. If they wanted her dead, we would have a body. I will find her.” Nova’s tone never wavered, his passion present in his eyes.

Justin shifted tablets and handed the next to Nova. “We have our initial data back from the ruby shards we have collected.”

Nova accepted the tablet and looked it over. “I see. They show a strange, foreign energy. It doesn’t read like anything we’ve seen before.”

Justin said, “Nothing at all. We even compared it to all known Legion tech we’ve found, it doesn’t resemble any of it.”

Nova scrolled through the data. “This is strange. Each piece has the energy in it like it’s being stored. Could this be some kind of alien data storage device?”

“We are exploring that possibility. We are calling in any alien born heroes who might identify it.”

“Good. Tell them to report to you on this matter. I am going to send our people out there and keep gathering these shards. Whatever they are, they are part of Krampus’s scheme and I want to make sure he doesn’t have them.”

Justin gulped and then said, “As it stands, Krampus has seven shards, we have three.”

“I know he is ahead of us. Right now we need to get ahead of him. Tell Quark and Gar to report to me at once.”

“Understood, sir.” Justin gathered the tablets. Before leaving, he said, “Sir, there is one more thing.”


“A reporter with The Sentinel would like to interview you. I wouldn’t bother with this right now, but he said he works with Krystal, and...”

“Chaz,” Nova nearly growled that name out.

Justin was surprised. “Yes, Chaz Hamilton, that’s the one. He...”

“Doesn’t get the interview.”

“He said you agreed to do this after you returned from North Onnotangu. It can be done over screens. Won’t take...”

“No. The interview is canceled.”

“What should I tell him?”

Nova gave Justin a deadly glare. “He knows what he did. Now, you have orders, get to them.”

“Yes, sir.”


A cool afternoon breeze rustled the leaves in the young trees. Flowers jostled and then gave a resting place for butterflies and honeybees. A stone hand reached down and gently caressed a plump marigold. He did not pick the flower, merely admired the deep orange hue. A honey bee landed on his stone arm and examined him for a moment before rushing over to a large lavender plant in full bloom.

“These are her favorite flowers,” Gar said to himself. He sank down to the ground in a cross-legged position, calmly watching the little bed of various marigolds.

Beyond this small flower patch, he looked across a placid body of water. Fish pecked at the surface now and then, giving off little ripples. A single duck waded across the pond. What stood out among this glorious afternoon day was what reflected in the water's surface, a black, starry sky. This wasn’t the park in some city on Earth, this was the arboretum in the middle of BADGE space station. The reality of this off-world location made clear when the second BADGE facility appeared in the dome above. The reflection of the League Wars orbital arena passed by, both the station and arena close neighbors in orbit of Earth.

Gar looked down again, disregarding the wonder of this amazing, artificial world. All he could see were those beautiful flowers.

That duck stepped out of the waters and waddled a few feet before transforming into a blue hero. Strange Quark wagged his head around and beat out water from one ear. “How is it I can’t get in the water as a duck and not get water in my ears?”

He joined Gar near the flowers and plopped down in a similar cross-legged position. “So, you still moping, eh?”

Gar gave a brief nod and brushed a hand over the flowers.

Quark patted him on the shoulder. “Buck up, they’ll find her. Just because Nova didn’t send you out to look for her doesn’t mean no one else can do the job. I mean, seriously, he’s sending some of the best.”

“I know,” Gar said. “Director Nova said I don’t have the skills or powers to help well enough for this job and I could be put to better use in other tasks.”

“Dry, dull, and to the point, but accurate. Nova knows you want to find her, we all do. He also knows how to organize things. I’m upset that I haven’t been able to locate her. I mean, I should be able to. I’m still a little off my game. But, I stopped flying upside down...” he had that look in his eyes, a look that said he wanted someone to indulge him for a punchline.

Gar glanced his direction. “Upside down?”

“Yup, I stopped….quaking up!” he burst out laughing.

Gar cracked a smile and even gave off a little laugh.

After a long guffaw at his own joke, Quark asked, “Why are you staring at marigolds?”

“Chase loves marigolds. They are her favorite flower.”

“You still sound like a love-sick puppy some days, you know that?”

“I’m not sick?” Gar didn’t get the metaphor.

“I mean, you’re still acting like you are in love with her.”

“I am not in love with her. But she is as close to me as a friend as you. I don’t know how to feel when she is in danger like this.”

“Act however you feel you need to. But keep your head in the game. Doing our job for BADGE will only help BADGE find her, no matter what our job is...even if it is cleaning toilets.”

Justin approached them. “There you guys are. I’ve been looking all over this station. The computer said you were in the primary training facility.”

Quark nodded. “We were, for a while. I’m still trying to figure out why my head has been all messed up since Melbourne.”

“Are you better now?” Justin asked.

Quark shrugged. “Good enough.”

“Fine. Then report to Nova in the operations center. He has orders for both of you.”

“Right away.” Quark gave a comical salute as his body flashed and he was gone, then he reappeared in the same spot. “Ow!”

“You okay?” Justin asked.

“Sure, just...still getting everything in order. Come on, Gar, let’s walk. It’s not that far. I hope Nova has some of that good scotch left.”
