Monday, September 7, 2020

Review of HQ Base Construction

By Timebender

So far, my experience with league HQ bases has not been favorable, though possibly that has more to do with the team than the base.

In the Alpha test, what the team leader chose to build first after the league hall was a cafeteria.  This might have been useful to some, but I have a high energy capacity and barely even noticed it.  I believe what he built next was a manufacturing plant because we were frequently attacked and the repair capacity was useful to get things working again.

In the Beta, in order to avoid the constant attacks, we decided to keep things small, only having a level 1 league hall.  We also built a craft hall, as probably the most useful item.  We were still attacked once (so far), so obviously being small does not make you immune.

The problem has that the members of the league are not very involved.  I personally paid more than half the Bux and Crystal for the construction of the League Hall and a similar amount on the Craft Hall.  I also Donated nearly half the powers our Sentinel currently has.

So far then, advice #1 is: Do not build unless you have an involved team.

Now, the buildings could be useful.  They are most useful to low-level people...though in the Beta building level is limited to 3.

Look at what the buildings can do:  You have buildings that increase each form of resistance.  For a low-level character who has little gear, that can be a life-saver.  You have buildings at can add to your Energy and Battles.  This can allow a low-level character to grow much faster. 

Advice #2: For a team that is all not very powerful, a strong base can let them grow to become powerful...if they can afford it.

The Sentinel is another thing: If you invest a lot in it, it can be a potent deterrent.  If you do not, it is almost useless at higher levels.  It is fairly tough against a low powered foe I would think, with starting values of 10000 in each ability, your average hero or villain will not be able to defeat it for a number of levels.  That is even before you add gear and powers. 

The Sentinel has a level equal to the average level of the team it is assigned to, but can not have any powers that require maintaining.  This means players need to donate crystal and morphon cards to make it more powerful.  Similarly, they heed to donate gear if they want to keep it strong.  Ideally, a Sentinel should have gear and powers donated that are equal to the best a player has so that it can fight the most powerful enemies of the team.  I doubt this will happen often.

The main problem is that a Sentinel, unlike a hero, does not fully recover after a fight.  A coordinated series of attacks should be able to wear it down, assuming they can get through the Sentinel's defenses.

Advice #3: If you have a high-level base, you need a strong Sentinel, you get what you pay for when it comes to defenses.

So, in short, a base a strong asset to a team just starting out but seems to become less useful as you get higher-level.

Ideally, your low-power team will want a backer.  That is to say, a high-level character that can build the base and power up the Sentinel for the others.  I am not sure how often this is going to be the case, but some of the high-level people out there who can afford it should consider quitting their current teams and becoming backers in order to encourage new players.