Thursday, September 10, 2020

Hero Highlights- Captain Ultra

This week, in an effort to encourage the next generation of journalists, I have allowed my summer intern and journalism major, Ashley Winters, to handle the interview with a rather unique hero.

This week's interview is with a rising star on the Hero scene, the Paragon of War, Breaker of Worlds, Captain Ultra.

Interviewer: First of all thank you, Captain Ultra, for taking the time to be here, would you like to be addressed by your Super Hero designation or do you have a commonly used name you would prefer?

Captain Ultra: My is name is Xan Xi' Alar, I am a fallen warrior from the planet Alar. I usually go by the code name of Captain Ultra.

Interviewer: Do work through Badge or are you independent?

Captain Ultra: I work through Badge, but primarily with the various 5th Precinct Leagues.
Interviewer: What's that like?

Captain Ultra: Good... it is helping me during my lengthy recuperating process and I lend my powers and tactical knowledge to help them where I can.

Interviewer: Recuperating Process?

Captain Ultra: Yes... I am an Alarian so I have the natural powers of being able to "reincarnate" when I die, and I am a Polyglot with Morphon enhancements. As such, I was one of the Greatest Warriors in the Legion, feared throughout most of known space, hence "The Paragon of War, Breaker of Worlds" title. But anyway, I led a rebellion against the Emperor and his Legion, and lost. I was captured, tortured, and executed repeatedly, before being exiled here humbled and broken. When I first arrived I was virtually powerless, mindless, and homeless. Since then I have worked hard to recover my mind and rebuild my memories and powers from, how you say "the ground up"

It's a very lengthy process, very frustrating to go from being one of the most powerful warriors to having to rebuild everything from almost scratch.

Interviewer: So do you favor any special equipment or powers?

Captain Ultra: I like my Dinosaur power core, something about getting physical with power drawn from something millions of years old, is appealing to me.

Interviewer: Cool, so anything to add before we conclude? Any advice for others?

Captain Ultra: Yes, I like the quote from the movie "Balboa", I think it is. "It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!" That's pretty much the way it is.

Interviewer: Alright, Captain Ultra, thank you for your time, that's it for now.