Thursday, September 17, 2020

News Update: The Quest in the Midwest- Will it end in failure?

by Chaz Hamilton

I think today will go down in the history books, ladies and gentlemen. This is Chaz Hamilton, reporting to you from a hospital bed. Catalyst and I encountered Dr. Morphon and some of his Evil League of the Really Evil henchmen at the Royal Arms Museum in Louisville as they tried to get the ruby shard that fell into the building. Catalyst managed to recover the shard, but I got knocked out during the battle. Don't worry, I'm doing fine. It t'was merely a flesh wound. (cough, cough). Please, don't make me laugh.

That isn't the reason for today going down in history, though. Despite everything the heroes have done for our small planet, they look like they will be facing a good chance of failing at Director Nova's mission. All the needed shards are not being collected. I never imagined I would see this day. 

But, hope isn't completely lost. I'm told there are still several hours that can be used to achieve victory. Nearly 75% of the scattered shards have been found, but there have been several false shards, or ordinary rubies, brought in as part of the efforts.

I have received a message from Director Nova's assistant, Gar, on the subject and he told me the following:

"There are a lot of rubies being brought in, not all are these shards. We have special gemologist on site to help sort through them. Keep up the good work." - Gar

Gar, one of BADGE's most trusted and beloved operatives, still has faith in the efforts of the heroes. BADGE has officially placed him in charge of tracking the ruby shards sought after in The Quest in the Midwest. A message was shared among all searchers that it was imperative that these shards were to be found, and I quote, "before Krampus found them". Whether or not Krampus is a code word for some new adversary, the legendary supernatural being, or the same who appeared as a threat last year, I cannot say, but when I do, I will let you know more.

Now, this special gemologist being brought in is a very important sign here. These ruby shards BADGE is searching for are not ordinary gemstones. If you do see one out there somewhere in the designated search area, please contact BADGE immediately for verification. You can contact them at #RUBYSHARD or by phone at 1-800-RUBY-RED.

Do not touch or handle these shards yourself if you are not a trained BADGE agent. As I have discovered, they are potentially very dangerous to some people. Don't risk your personal well-being.

I did save a few minutes to speak with a local physician who has been giving excellent care to me; Dr. Ima Baller.

Chaz: Dr. Baller, could you please share some information with the public about steps they should take if they do come in contact with one of these ruby shards.

Dr. Baller: Yes. I'd be happy to. Which way should I face, should I look at you or at the camera?

Chaz: Please, face the camera and simply talk normally.

Dr. Baller: I'm sorry about that. If you encounter one of these shards, Mr. Hamilton here is correct. Do not touch them unless absolutely necessary. If you must do so, I recommend using PPE equipment, such as thick gloves, tongs if available, and storing it in a sealed plastic container. These shards can be very, very sharp do to their fracture patterns. And whatever you do, keep them out of the hands of small children.

Chaz: Why do you say that doctor?

Dr. Baller: I've already had two families bring in their small children who found these shards in their yards at home. Small children being small children might see these bright red, small pieces of  of gem as a piece of candy. Parents, please talk to your children. Tell them not to put anything they find in their front yards in their mouths before speaking to an adult first.

Chaz: A wise warning to all parents out there. This is Chaz Hamilton, signing off for now. I'll be back tomorrow to continue my coverage of this unfolding story.

One last thing.

Heroes, if you are out there, please, join in with the rest of your friends and help find these shards. Can you really take the risk of letting your adversaries get the better of you? Don't doubt that you can succeed at this. Several hours still remain. You have Gar's faith, my faith, and the faith of the rest of the world on your side. 
