Wednesday, September 30, 2020

GET 460 MP!

Got a story to see share, or anything to review about events and new releases in Heroes Rising?

Submit it to the Heroes Rising Sentinel; your first submission each month now pays 460 MP (worth of cards in resale value). Payouts updated as of October. 

Here is the updated rewards schedule:

A -  Forum Fiction post, or short or unused news article = 2x Reality Writer, 2x10 = 20 MP sellback

B - Any news article featured in blog (no limit) = 4x Reality Writer, 4x10 = 40 MP sellback

C - First news article featured in blog per week = 6x Stop the Presses, 6x30 = 180 MP sellback

D - First news article featured in blog per month = 1x Behind the Scenes + 10x Reality Writer, 1x120 + 10x10 = 220 MP sellback

So, for example:

First per month = D+C+B+A = 220+180+40+20 = 460 MP

Once per week for rest of month = C+B+A = 180+40+20 = 240 MP/week

Some ideas to write about:
- Review of new gear or cards released;
- Review of new missions and bosses;
- Tips on how to participate in various events like Chrono Climb, Duels, Fight Club, etc;
- Commentaries on live events in-game, in character, from your own hero’s perspective;
- Or anything else that is related to the game's lore or canon.

All you need to do is join the Heroes Rising Sentinel and submit your articles or editorials for review:
