Saturday, September 5, 2020

Review of New Gear: Forest Leggings and Divine Halo

By Crossroads

Recently the Powers That Be have been flooded with requests for new gear to be added to the Armory. Well those pleas have been heard and your wishes have been granted! Released today are two new pieces of Gear for the up and coming hero!

For the Hero on a Budget, we have the Forest Leggings. This Eco-friendly piece of Gear goes on, oddly enough, your legs! They are Elemental Gear and impart a small increase of 3% to your life, but give you a respectable +10 Resistance to Magic. Very nice, indeed! All for the cost of only 190 Crystals, any hero of level 35 or higher can add these fine leggings to your wardrobe, or to your Sentinel’s wardrobe for a helpful boost. Among the leg gear available for purchase with Crystal, this item may cost a bit more than Junkyard Jumpers, but they add scalability for Life increases which other Crystal gear lack.

Also new to the Armory is the Divine Halo. Has someone stolen Chained Angel’s Halo and copied it for mass-production? Available in the Armory for 220 Morphons at level 22, this Heavenly Headgear adds 110 points to your Life total and provides substantial resistance to Physical damage (+20). That is definitely nothing to sneeze at, since there are only two other non-core pieces of Gear available for sale that can give you Physical damage resistance (Starlight Circle and Amulet of Future Sight) and this gives you higher resistance than either of them. This piece of equipment is classified as Supernatural Gear.