Thursday, September 3, 2020

Art Contest: Coloring is Key

 Hello heroes, it's time again for another art contest. Of course 'contest' is just a term, no one wins or loses, everyone will get the same prizes, this is just something for fun and to show off your talents. 

As usual, I have provided the sketches. These sketches I did and then painted them for power cards. My paintings are completed already. One has already been released as a special card for the fourth of July, the others are for cards that have yet to be released. 

We are not doing the alternate art contest this time, just a participation event. 

I hope you noticed that this contest has an additional title "Coloring is Key', let me explain. This time there will be a few extra rules. these rules aren't meant to constrain, but challenge you. I found great progress in my own skills by having set rules that forced me to change my status quo. 

UPDATE: After some discussion with people and looking at this, I realize that the new rules on this one might be too strict. So, this will go as any ordinary art event. Use whatever method works for you to add color and style to the pics. If you have one to turn in that followed the original rules, say so, it's okay to brag.

The Rules: 

  • No photo bashing: that means no editing in outside pictures over the art. The only art is what you can paint/color on it with Paint, ink, pencil, digital paint, print off and use crayons or watercolors...anything to add color to these. 
  • Digital is fine as long as you are just using it to paint, ink, or color.
  • No photo manipulation: No point-and-click add color, objects, etc. 
  • Keep them PG-13 or better.
  • Say something nice about someone else's submission.
  • You will earn a "good work" power card worth 10mp for each submission, up to three. You can submit more, but three is the limit on the free mp cards. 
  • Submit the art by October 3rd.
