Monday, September 23, 2019

Art Post / New Contest Announcement

Heroes, your help is needed again. It's time for another contest. This time there is no major prize involved, just fun picking a new power card. On the facebook page you will have three options to vote on with three power cards, each with the same art.

Here's the deal, I want you to pick which title and text you like the best. Don't worry about whether it's attack, defense, or movement. Trust me, we have enough cards to make sure you never go wanting for a new power of a specific type. This is why each is only a 1 1 1 card, the power levels will be assigned after the winner is chosen.

About the card art. I created this art a long time ago as a pencil sketch. I was challenged to create a winged horse that looked like it could actually fly. Many versions of the winged horse are flawed for having the wings too far back on the body and are too small. So, I did a pencil sketch of what I felt looked more natural. I set the sketch aside some time back and then recently a friend gave me an idea. Take a random bit of basic junk art used to decorate homes, you know the stuff you can buy at furniture stores. I found a painting at a resale shop that I liked, it had enough open space in the image to overlay my sketch and look like it belonged. So, I did a paint over of an old painting using my flying horse. The real challenge came with blending the colors. I had to make the winged horse look like it belonged in that painting. I really liked the outcome, but again had no use for the image. The challenge complete, what do I do with the painting. Then I realized it might be a fun, unique piece of art to throw into the game. It really doesn't feel like comic book hero art, but it has the mystique of the fictional genre we are working in. So, it made it to the game.

Now, onto the contest: Here are the rules

  • Vote for your favorite on the Facebook page
  • Don't add any additional voting options
Yup, that's it. Just go to the page and vote. You only get one vote, so make it count. You can comment on the page about the art, the contest, the cards. If you want to campaign for your favorite, then have fun. However, do not attack anyone else's opinions, keep it all positive, this is to have fun. Voting will end September 30th. 
