Thank you Francis Xavier Weenie for entering the contest: Here is their story...
With the flick of a switch it began, 5/8/14 Shadow Knight had failed
in his bid to save the city, the damage done by Extraterrestrial
Alliance (EA) was far to great. There were very few survivors, those
that were left chose to go into hiding, hoping for a chance to redeem
the actions of that day.
Flash forward, 2039
most of the cities have been rebuilt, some places are still war
zoned, as I was going about my business, collecting souls, without
warning the sky turned a green/grey color with lightning strikes
everywhere, alien ships appeared in the skies all over the earth.
Out of nowhere a
message could be heard, "People of earth, we are Legion, members
of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, (oh no this isn't happening again)
we defeated you before and this time there will be nothing left."
As I felt my supernatural power starting to flow something came over
my body. The air got really thick and I couldn't breathe. Gasping for
air, how was this possible, I fell to my knees.
Looking at my hands
on the ground, they were glowing, as were my arms. The demon, I was,
seemed to be leaving me. Cosmic forces had started to take control.
With an enormous scream and a bright light an explosion hit me. When
the smoke and dust cleared, I was hovering above the ground, knowing
and seeing things I never had before. I knew this time, this time was
going to be different.
Something that
deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected, behold Anomaly