Monday, September 2, 2019

Fiction Contest Story: First Encounters Hurt The Most

Thank you ToGood for entering the contest. Here is his story:

The wind started to blow, in gusts. The crystal blue skies became darkened and all sorts of weird shades of colors were flashing all around. It was like the Aurora Borealis, only way more intense. Lightning was striking all over close. I began to feel funny. I was like, what in the world is going on? All of a sudden, another bolt of lightning had struck. I was aware but not quite conscious. Was I just struck by lightning and what is this strange feeling? My thoughts faded. I became fully unconscious.

Days later, I awoke, feeling better than I had in a very long time. I was no longer in any pain but I about freaked when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked thirty years younger. How bout dat, I thought. I checked myself out of the hospital and headed home but these sensations were still effecting me. I think someone was following me, maybe not.

I made it home, I felt great but my body started to change yet again. There were growths on my back growing at an alarming rate. Holy crap!!! I had grown a fully functioning set of wings and my skin hardened like steel. There was a knock at the door. I answered it. Someone was following me just like I thought. It was a scruffy old man, He said, "My name is Nova and we need to talk."

"Oh, okaay, come on in", I said as I walked over to the window. Things were still crazy looking outside. "I bet you got questions", Nova said. I replied, "Yes I do." He began to explain.

Nova said, “What you’re seeing out that window is the result of a dimensional rift caused by trans-dimensional beings known as ‘The Legion’. They are ruthless planet killers and our planet is their next target.” These people have power beyond your imagination; basically, all the things you see in the comics come to life.

Nova remarked further, “I see you have begun the change. It’s a result of what the Legion call, Morphons, which they released into our atmosphere so they could breathe as they decimate our planet but they didn’t expect it to change us humans or give us our own superpowers. Imagine their surprise when we were able to fight back and win. You now possess abilities to help conquer these intruders.”

I said, “Wait. I’ve got superpowers?” Nova replied, “Well, you’ve already grown a set of wings, so you can probably fly.” As you learn your powers, train and defeat others affected that chose to be evil, you will likely have the ability to absorb powers of those you defeat along with the powers given you by the morphons. Use your imagination and see what you can do. We all manifest different powers. I will watch over you and when you are strong enough, you will come with me and we will defeat the Legion. Later, he said. “

I discovered I could fly at the speed of light, had enormous strength with my new youth, energy blasts from the eyes that destroy. I could no longer be shot or stabbed as my skin had become invulnerable, far as I could tell. I thought this is all just too good and if I’m gonna fight evil, I’m gonna need a new identity.

In the distance I hear screams but from where? I go investigate, four blocks from home I find source of the screams. I must have super hearing also as four blocks is pretty good distance.

What I find disgusts me, some guy was mugging a group of young ladies. In the blink of an eye, my wings had carried me forward to protect these innocents. He turned to me and yelled, “Who do you think you are? He began to attack with a knife, stabbing wildly, not a scratch. He tried to shoot me and that also had failed. In a single thought a blast of energy shot forth from my eyes and removed his gun hand. I was like, “Holy crap”; I don’t know my own strengths yet. He ran off screaming something about, “You gonna get it now! Just wait till the boss sees what you done to me, you’re gonna pay you SOB! Just wait until the boss finds you!”

I got the young ladies safely to their parents and was returning home. I was nearly home when I heard someone yell, “Hey! Are you the one that took my employees gun hand?” I replied, “Yes, he was mugging a group of young ladies and needed to be stopped, so I stopped him. Who are you by the way?” He said, “I’m the boss here and people call me Killer Kelly and you gotta pay!” I said, “It sounds like a girl’s name.” That’s when the fight began.

In an instant he was upon me. He punched me so hard that I landed a block away. He was strong, pretty fast too. I was caught off guard. This fight is gonna be different than with his street rat. I heard him mumble some sort of chant then I felt a severe pain across my chest. "Feel the magic powers of Killer Kelly!, he yelled. I had an opened slash wound and it bled only a little but now I was ticked.

I flew into a rage, literally. Instinctively spinning, wings tucked around my body like an arrow towards my foe Killer Kelly at light speed. I couldn’t slow up fast enough and flew through him. He was done for, lying there, close to death. “I was just a weakling, Kelly said but beware there are others much stronger than me with “The Legion”. Who are you, he asked as I absorbed his strength? “For now, just call me Togood.

“Take this power ring, you’re gonna need it when you face the Legion. Consider it a gift. It has the power to weaken a foe’s strike, Kelly remarked.”

Just then, Nova appeared, "time to take Kelly off to BADGE LOCKUP." Nova looked at me and said, “You did good kid but Kelly will survive. You got a lot to learn and work on your new name, Togood is weak for a superhero name.” With a chuckle, Nova and Kelly were gone.
