Sunday, September 22, 2019

Name A Card Contest review

Hello everyone. Thank you so much for participating in my contest to name a card and give it text. It appears that many people had fun coming up with various ways of looking at this art. Perhaps you now have a better understanding of the struggle it is to come up with unique and interesting ways to apply ideas to art so that it works as a power in the game.

One of the best responses I got to this was afterward, "The game is at the least very player interactive right now. Thats a fun addition." That is the point. I love playing games, which I hope you share in that feeling. But, one of the best aspects of gaming is the interaction between players. I want to see you, the player, having fun with the game even outside of just playing it. This is why I want you writing fictions, naming cards, talking about what makes the game fun to you with other players.

Now, about this contest. I plan on doing more contests like this in the future, where you get to name and give text to a card. It's a fun way to have a hand in the creation side of the game. However, let me run down some notes that might help you as you.

  • Follow the rules: The great majority of players followed the rules perfectly. Those that didn't did not do so on purpose, they just missed something. Entering a title for the card is not the contest, it is title AND text. 
  • Power cards are powers: Many entries that were cool and inventive, but did not make it to the final judging round, did not describe a power but a hero or backstory. Telling me where the power came from isn't the power itself. Telling me who the hero is in the art using the power isn't the power itself. I want to know the power he/she is using in the image and how it works. Yes, that can be hard in 110 characters or less, but it can be done.
  • 110 characters: Speaking of text limitations, we had several good entries that were great, I mean really great. However, they were much too long for a card. 110 characters is not a lot of space, but that is all the space I have on the card for text. Anything longer tends to fall off the sides. Also, too short can be an issue, too much blank space simply looks bad. Find a happy medium between too much and too little. 
  • Funny isn't always funny: Light humor in the power can be great. But, it can go too far. I passed on, and even deleted a few that were simply bouts of crude humor. On the rest of the page, it's fine to joke around, even with slightly adult humor, but in the contest it is unwelcome. If you want to joke around, start another thread. 
  • Unclear references: Some people used quotes or comments that were from other popular media. Movie quotes, book references, television references, anything like that tends to get passed over. It isn't that it was bad or crude, just hard to put into the game. I don't want to ruffle feathers of other people by using their property for this game. If you want to reference something, keep it in the games own canon. 

What I see that is done right: So much it's hard to list it. The players of Heroes Rising are a great bunch. They have fun, they tease, they joke, they love the game and don't mind some friendly banter. I am very thankful that everyone has kept that attitude of friendliness going during the contests. No one has been rude or mean about someone else's ideas. No one has been crass about another players comments. You are keeping it civil and that is a good thing for everyone. I want these contests to be a source of community, not contention. Again, thank you for being a great group, keep being awesome.

So, those are my thoughts. I am glad to be a part of this. I look forward to the next contest and for the stuff we have planned for the rest of this year.


Special note: The card pictured above is a new card added to the game. You can only receive it as a participation prize for contests. Some contests won't have it, some will. It was supposed to be used later, but through bungling on my end, I accidentally gave it out as the prize to some of the players in this contest. I will talk about this card art at a later date.