Monday, September 9, 2019

Fiction Contest Story: Again???

Thank you Final Judgment for entering the contest: Here is their story...

How many times has he been awakened by the noise that is called "business as usual"? It's hard to say. There are echos across the multiverse of situations just getting a little bit better because something has stepped from the shadows to battle the mundane. A tweak here, an adjustment there - things just seem BETTER and nobody is quite sure why.

He is the why. He is Final Judgement.

Awakened this time in a new freshly minted (but somehow familiar) world FJ is surprised to see some familiar faces and less so some new young guns.

Heroes abound. It becomes quickly evident that this world is also not short on villains and one in particular has noticed FJ's arrival. As quick as this villain notices FJ so too does he sense the evil doer. Hmmmm.... this feels a bit too familiar (and smells really bad). Clearly I've battled this villain before and why is he not wearing pants?!?

"Hey hero, I'm Zombie Control and I'm kind of big deal so you better just get the hell out of here! you shut up!!!"

FJ hadn't spoken a word yet so clearly there were some unheard voices involved.

Feeling powered up by the infusion of his new morphon generated powers FJ decides to make quick work of this guy. He raises his right hand and a BFG made entirely of energy forms in his hand. He fires off a quick barrage of energy bolts which ignite ZC's coat. It quickly turns to ash leaving him completely naked. ZC un-phased pulls a beer can from......somewhere.... and flings it at FJ. In flight it grows 10 fold in size and FJ has to quickly side step the beer can of doom. ZC is obviously tougher than he looks and I REALLY don't want to know where he was hiding that can.

The battle goes on for quite some time with FJ hurling bolts of energy and ZC somehow materializing more "vices" of various sizes and flinging them wildly at FJ.

"ENOUGH of this ZC! We're clearly evenly matched and this battle could go on for ages. What say you and I find a bar and hash out our differences over a few cold ones?"

"As long as you're buying I'M IN!......Have you seen my pants?"

As ZC rummages around the alley looking for his clothes FJ makes a quick call to B.A.D.G.E. headquarters requesting they move the left over beer from last years barbecue into an empty holding cell. "Yes", he assures the tech on the phone "I know it's beyond skunked and been sitting in a warm basement. It wont matter in this case."

ZC has finally found what look like a garbage bag with leg holes and donned it as his "pants" and falls in line with FJ as the travel the streets to HQ. Once there he brings ZC around the back of the building. ZC stops arguing with the voices in his head long enough to say "Back door - nice!". Ugh... it will be good to get this degenerate off the streets. As they near the cell ZC starts to look agitated.

"I can sense something.....WONDERFULLY DISGUSTING!" he exclaims.

"Right in here ZC. Help yourself."

As soon as ZC enters the cell FJ slams the door closed. An energy field quickly erupts from the floor completely containing Zombie Control.

As FJ turns to leave having completed his mission he hears ZC repeating over and over "NO, you shut up! No YOU shut up". He smiles proudly knowing another problem has been solved and this place has been made a little bit better.
