Saturday, September 14, 2019

Editorial: Finding More Morphons

For a quick view of all known methods of earning Morphon Particles, see the bottom of this article.

We all know that initial jolt from the Morphon particles that descended upon us, but did you know that you can increase your power by finding more of the particles that still exist in the wild? There is a thriving trade for unabsorbed morphon particles out there and you can take part in it to increase you own powers. So, in the following article you will see some ways that our capes have figured out to earn more particles. More may appear over time, but this should give you a decent start.

The first and the easiest way to get more particles is through buying them directly from the market. Just go into the market and make a deal with the merchants there. There are some bulk discounts, and occasionally you may even find a sale if you time it right.

Also, as supers morphon particles are naturally attracted to us. You will find as you gain more experience and more skills in your career you will absorb more wild morphons.

Now that the quick and easy ones are out of the way, lets talk other ways that you can earn morphon particles. Many fight clubs have creeped up since the fall of morphon particles, and people will pay good money to see those with amazing powers fight it out in the rings. Anyone with morphon powers can sign up to join the ring, even if you are a new super. Just for signing up and joining, the owners will gift you with a few particles and as you battle in the clubs you can earn even more. The more fights you win, the more morphons with you earn. Additionally, if you are one of the top two finishers in that fight club, the league owner will gift additional morphon particles for your victory.

When working and patrolling in New Amsterdam, you may have noticed a banner to honor the late great Stan Lee. Devotees will sometimes leave found particles there in tribute to the man. These particles are there for the taking from any hero who is seeking to help others or even open for stealing by nefarious villains. So, who knows, take a look and maybe you will get lucky on your patrols.

Director Nova himself has a stash of particles to give as a reward to loyal members of B.A.D.G.E. He sets out daily quests and expectations for his capes the assist and challenge as continued training. If you complete all these quests for Director Nova, he will open of that cache of particles and give you one. This can be done each day and is available to all capes out there.

You may have noticed that you sometimes learn new powers or find new equipment when fighting bosses during your patrols or for watching advertisements in the morphon market. If you don’t need those powers, you can once again visit the market. Some dealers will pay you morphons for the knowledge of how the power was earned and the skills to do them themselves. I make no guarantees on what those dealers will do with the powers they have learned, maybe they will give them away to new capes, maybe they will sell them on the black market. Who knows?

Did you know that you can also gain morphon particles is through dueling other capes out there? By fighting with them you can hone your powers and earn more experience. Every once in awhile, you will find you get a surge of power, drawing large amount of morphon particles into yourself after winning the duel. Reports say that this happens after winning 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, and 15,000 duels. There may be other stepping points, but that is what the most experienced supers are reporting for now.

There is one other special way that a super can gain more morphon particles. This very newspaper is a hot bed of them. By joining the staff or writing freelance articles you can earn a prize from the editor in chief. Additionally, we run writing contests allowing you to tell your super story or about an epic adventure you have had. If you are lucky and you are good, we will recognize your skills and you may win the prize. Sometimes, instead of particles you will get new powers or equipment in these missions. If you don’t need them, never fear, they can always be sold for morphon particles in the market.

Good Luck Heroes!

Buy more particles from the market

Leveling up your hero

Fight Club, both joining and winning fights in it

New Amsterdam Missions

Complete Daily Quests

Selling powers and equipment found in missions, after boss battles, and from Advertisement Videos.

Dueling other super heroes. Rewards at winning 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, and 15,000 duels

Newspaper articles, contests, and fan fiction. As well as selling equipment or powers from these.

Contributed by: Nick Lorenzen (aka Magnificent Marvel)
