Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Contest Story Entry: The Fallen

Thank you, The Fallen, for entering the contest: Here is their story...

The Fallen was once an Archangel of War that was cast out of Heaven and down to the Earth for meddling in Earth's defense against The Legion after seeing that the Earth's mightiest heroes were nearly all wiped out of existence. The Legion calls forth the mightiest warriors of that planet to face them in combat. If a planet fails to meet their challenge, that planet is vaporized. The Archangel had watched as The Legion destroyed planet after planet all throughout the infinite galaxies and now was about to destroy Earth so The Archangel travelled to Earth to stop The Legion but as he entered the Earth's atmosphere he came into contact with a foreign matter that The Legion introduced to the Earth's atmosphere, these subatomic particles called Morphons had a strange effect on the Archangel causing unknown consequences.

The Archangel felt his strength intensify and his speed increased exponentially allowing him to manipulate time and space giving the Archangel the ability to time travel and slip in and out of the quantum realms. The Archangel already had the ability to regenerate health and any of his extremities, he was a tactician of war, and had studied battles across the galaxies for many millennia which is why he knew the Earth realm would fall to The Legion if he didn't stop them himself. Archangels are the strongest of all beings created by God to carry out their orders and defend heaven as God commanded , they are never to meddle in other affairs unless first being instructed. The Archangel would be punished if he interfered but knew he was Earth's final hope and would rise to the challenge and defend all of humankind from The Legion no matter the consequence.

The Archangel attacked The Legion and was badly injured and and while The Legion had severed his arm but knew he would heal and continued to fight as his arm regenerated faster than ever thanks to the Morphons as they flowed through him . The Legion defeated the Archangel time and time again but the Archangel continued to travel back in time just moments adjusting to The Legions attacks and isolating each of The Legions abilities finding their weaknesses . The Archangel smiled with a smirk knowing he had won there was only one member of The Legion left that was allowed to escape with a message for any remaining members of The Legion that the earth was now under his protection and if they ever decide to attack another planet they would be wiped completely from existence.

The Archangel attempted to return home but could not instead was told that his meddling could not go unpunished and because the morphons that flowed through him while giving him unparalleled abilities changed him on a microcellular level leaving him impure from how he was created and for that he was cast out of Heaven never again to return home or communicate with his kind. In addition to being exiled from Heaven his memory was wiped and only a feeling of emptiness was left. The Archangel was stripped of his title and would be called The Fallen from this moment forward as a warning to any other Angels not to meddle in affairs without first receiving the proper orders.
