Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Adventure Contest Entry (Aftermath of the Egg)

The Adventure Fiction Contest has concluded and over the next week or so, we will be publishing your stories on the blog and in-game. All entries are posted in random order of merit except the top three finalists, which will be posted last.

Note that all entries are published unedited.

Here is the entry by Zadiekel:

The battle of the egg at B.A.D.G.E definitely took its toll not just my body and mind but upon the safety measures that I had placed on the Argusian Power Battery back at the end of the Battle of Superhero City. Getting the call to join others to literally crack open this giant egg left by the Bunny I came and gave it my all.

My power not just from the Power Battery but my own power from my birth was drained to the point of near death and I believe that is where it all went wrong. As I laid upon the table and hooked up to devices that I do not understand I could feel the safety measures staring to break down. I felt this....rush....this surge of power and the room erupted in green light. The scientists at B.A.D.G.E. could not contain what was released and while there was no deaths but there was damage done none the less as I was literally floating over them and yet I was not myself.

The energy in the room that came from the Power Battery shot back into me and took full control. It was then that I could hear them....the entities. The Power Battery was not just an artifact. In essence it was a prison of sorts for these entities.

In a flash I could see all of them. Each one staring at me....but there were two that I could hear very clearly.

The Entity of Will

The Entity of Anger

Both of them arguing back and forth wanting release of their restraints. I remember this one scientist after all was said and done told me before I left what was left of the B.A.D.G.E lab that my suit shifted back and forth.

Green Guardian

Red Guardian

The scientist told me that with each shift that my mannerism and my voice changed and I was speaking once more in each form my native tongue to which the scientist could not understand.

I flew off and drifted alone trying everything I knew, reading what was left of the great texts of Argus to try and fix the safety measures of the Power Battery once more but to no avail and I kept finding myself more and more losing control between the two entities. It was also a while after the battle that I joined a new league. One that I do all I can for except for the moments I can feel the safety measures beginning to fail and have to leave them and go back into solitude to once more return to the great texts and go under a self induced sleep spell to try everything I can to calm the two entities.

So far it has worked but there are moments of extreme stress the shift happens....green to red and back again. I fear one day that the shift will happen and I will not be able to shift back and calm the two entities.

Now a new threat is here. I must help my league and face it with them. Am I strong enough? What will happen if I lose control? Will I cause the deaths of my league? Do they all realize they have a ticking time bomb in their midsts.