Sunday, June 28, 2020

Let’s Go Shopping!

By Chained Angel

Why, hello again.

Imagine bumping into you here at the Armory. Are you looking to pick out some new pieces to complete your ensemble as well?

Currently, I’m a Level 11, so I have one slot open in each of my Gear areas.

As a firm believer in being an informed consumer, I shop around and look for the best value before I buy.

The first place I go, before I purchase anything is to this blog article on These City Streets:

Thank you, The Fallen, for a clear guide as to how your Core works to your advantage (and disadvantage).

Clearly, just like a fashionable wardrobe, there is no one perfect outfit. So far, I have been able to pick up a piece of usable gear here and there as I have done my missions across New Amsterdam and while dealing with Planet X.

None of what I have found really goes well with any other piece.

Now that I am getting ready to go shopping, spending some Crystals or Morphons on better equipment, I need to better understand what each piece has to offer to aid in my battles.

To understand how Powers, Skills, and Gear work with one another, you must do the math.

Yes, I know. Math isn’t always fun, but smart shoppers use it. You don’t want buyer’s remorse later, do you?

If you look on the bottom right corner on the EQUIP screen, you will find your STRIKE, BLOCK, and MOVE scores.

These values are generated by your Power Card totals for each category multiplied by your matched Skill Modifier.

Without any equipment, I have a BLOCK value of 1447. When I equip only the Seed of Potential, which adds a 5% bonus to BLOCK, the value changes to 1519.

If I add my Badge Combat boots, which increase the BLOCK value by +51, my new BLOCK value is 1570.

The BLOCK value from any Gear is added after the % multiplier from all gear has been applied.

The same process is used in calculating your LIFE.

The multiplier is applied to your base Life total, which is 100 plus your LIFE value from Skill points (This is not a multiplier to your LIFE, as the Skill Points in Attack, Defense, and Movement are), and then further LIFE + bonus quantities are added.

Just so you are all aware, I’m not going to spill all my ability values. A girl simply must keep some secrets!

Based on these calculations, you can see that at earlier levels, gear that gives you a + Bonus to a statistic will be beneficial, but as we progress further as a hero by gaining experience, gear that supplies a % Bonus will reap higher dividends.

As I researched this topic in the These City Streets blog, I found some articles were useful and others offered out-dated or incorrect advice.

If you take the time to read them for yourself, please go by the age-old adage “Trust but verify”.

As the game developed, some posts may have offered correct information when they were posted, but currently might not be your best options.

There is also a great deal of debate as to what is better to purchase; Power Cards or Gear.

This is an extremely common and difficult topic concerning the spending of Morphons.

Which will get you the most BANG while dipping into your purse or wallet?

The truth is you need both, but IMO(in my opinion), I’ve seen many gifts and rewards given away as Power Cards and nobody has tried to put a ring, free or otherwise, on me yet.

Maybe Gear is slightly more…Precious?

Speaking of dipping into your pockets to purchase goodies, I wanted to suggest you consider where you purchase Morphons from.

If you use Facebook to make your purchases, you won’t get as much as you would if you purchased from the Heroes Rising website.

On Facebook, you can get 660 Morphons for $25.00, where if you buy them off the website, you can get 740 Morphons for the same $25.00.

Shop how you feel the most comfortable, but there does seem to be a middleman surcharge in there for Facebook.

I know I haven’t even begun to talk about damage multipliers, gear that stuns, or equipment that decreases an opponent’s abilities, but there just isn’t time to talk about everything.

For right now, I hope I helped you understand how Power Cards, Skills, and Gear work together to make you stronger.

We can talk about the rest in the future, ok?

Until then, continue to dress for success.

Your friend,