Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hero Highlights- Rapscallion

This week, my friends, we’re meeting with another of B.A.D.G.E.’s relatively new recruits. .. all I can say is that he seems to be a very busy fellow.
Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
~~...I'd best just stick with Rapscallion.
Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
~~I've been OK with helping B.A.D.G.E out when they call...but, know what? I wound up where I am because I can't abide by so many 'rules'...
Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
~~I'm with Psycho Squad : Injustice League... Hey. They can say what they want about us. Most of us are decent folks...just don't necessarily like rules and regs.
Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?
~~Yeah, they are M-based, as we say. These wings may be a bit off-putting but MAN I get around! My strength is amazing, if I say so myself... and, even though it's got a soft feel, my skin's bulletproof. I heal quickly, and my mind... I cannot keep up!
As we sat working our way thru the interview, the communicator buzzed and our hero answered... "Sorry, but that was an alert... We'll have to finish later..." As the hero known as Rapscallion hurried from the room, I waited for my own communicator to buzz...
We were able to resume the interview the next day...
Do you have a sidekick?
~~SideWHAT? No, man, soloiste! I mean...I do talk to my league-mates. But, missions, I drink alone if you know what I mean.
Could you tell us a little about your origin?
~~No real amazement, really....went to work as a meat guy at a supermarket during the COVID thing. I was careful, too. But, turns out, it wasn't the COVID I shoulda been looking for. I mean, this is cool, but it cost me my marriage... friends...
What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
~~I have always been really good at hitting people. So, ANYthing I can club, batter, or bludgeon someone with is good. LOVE the up-close work.
Do you Have any advice for new Heroes?
~~Yeah. Be true to yourself. Screw a rule or 2, if you're still getting the result you want.
Is there anything else you'd care to add?
~~Yeah. Just wanna ask the others out there who have wings. HOW do you keep these MORONS from tryin' to BITE 'em?
Well... on that note, I’ll thank you for agreeing to speak with us today.
Until next week, my friends.