Saturday, June 6, 2020

Scouting and League Wars

By The Closer of the 5th Precinct Leagues
ID: 10910

Let's talk about "scouting opponents" during the League Wars competition. Scouting is hugely important. Attacking losses have changed just as many scoreboards around, as attacking wins. As long as you have a plan you can come away from our most favored contest, feeling good about your contributions.
The idea of scouting is made more difficult because you cannot attack your opponent in the "arena" to figure out their weakness, or see their stats. Arena losses are match losses as well, so we have to be very deliberate in who we attack during competition. Here are 4 scouting strategies that I can think of right this minute.

 1)   Make the pre-war rounds.
You could take the initiative and attack every person in your division to get an idea who you can and cannot beat.  I would suggest everyone try this out, but, you can't always account for all the variables. People have different gear sets, They/you might boost stats with bux during the event, and throw off the results. They could be deliberately laying low to fill you with confidence. In the past we've had people change names to fool others. This can be very effective if they are the same level and level up during the competition.
  2)     A friend that isn't in your league scouts for you during the competition. This easier if your organization has multiple leagues.
The difficulty here is, that differing levels and gear, may leave the scouting report not as fulfilling as it could be. Still I believe this is effective, but it should then be used in concert with the third strategy to get the best results.
  3)     Your highest level/ strongest hero does his attack run and posts the fight links for everyone to see. This, mixed with the final strategy, is what most people will do, but will require some patience in the other league members. Both 2nd, and 3rd strategy should, when able, make use of secondary scouting runs to see if people are swapping gear sets.
  4)       Wait till they attack you.
This one makes us very confident in our counter attack. (I can't say that no on has ever thrown a battle to get you on a counter attack or two, it just isn't exactly a logical strategy. You are welcome to be as paranoid as you think is effective.) This does allow you to see matches unique to you and your opponent, which is very useful information. However, the attacker has an advantage. We assume they've scouted you, adjusted gear to counter yours, and attacked where they thought they could get a win. So a defensive loss may not equal a loss when you attack back, just make use of their gift of information.

The final piece of the scouting puzzle is the "scouting report" A proper scouting report isn't just a fight link. It will possess some observations about the opponents gear and how it interacted with the scouts. A person should be able to see what damage types are available by comparing their resistances to what is visible, as well as gain knowledge about the opponents resistances, make educated guesses for stun/stun resist %'s, and have a guess at to a movement stat, or at least how it reacted with his own. This will require some knowledge about gear and how it works, as well as the stats of the person doing the scouting, but it can win matches when used properly. 

I hope this helps someone. Good luck Leagues!