Thursday, June 25, 2020

Player Profile Bios: Getting to know you...

By Chained Angel

Hello again. It is I, Angel, your fellow hero on the streets and reporter with an ear to the city beats. (Get your minds out of the gutters, boys.)

I’ve been doing my rounds about New Amsterdam and discovered an interesting trend. There are quite a few people out there who are nothing but a blank space. Are they waiting for someone else to write their story?

I refer of course to the Player Profile Bio and Character Sheet sections.

I can’t help but feel these people are missing out on an opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t need to fill them out to battle or do missions. Other than part of the daily quest chain where you are asked to edit your bio, they don’t give you much. Why not leave them blank or put unusual, colorful comments there? Yes, I’ve seen things. Some of you have been very, very naughty.

My thought is that if you don’t take the time to thoughtful fill these out, you are missing out on part of the fun of playing a superhero. Look at the history of the genre of great four-color comics and think, “Would I care what a big letter S on someone’s chest meant if I didn’t know anything about who that superhero was?” The sound of “SNIKT” and metal blades popping out between knuckles wouldn’t be as riveting without the context from the backstory and tragedy behind them. Gar, Chase, and Director Nova wouldn’t enhance the game or mean much if you didn’t understand how their actions played into the latest raid.

You never know when the Powers that Be might look down and decide to use your character in a part of the ongoing Lore for Heroes Rising. Active participants and people who take the time to fill these out are far more likely to be immortalized in game. Don’t you want them to get your character right, for historical purposes? They might have you firing pink ribbons as part of a color guard when your powers are supposed to be emerald green bolts of photonic-energy that crackle like insects hitting an electrified bug-zapper.

And, to be honest, I find reading those backstories interesting to look at while I am waiting in the lobby of the Fight Club, regaining my energy for the next round. And after someone robs me of $1247. You know I looked you up Mighty Matt ID: 20248. You might be level 20 now, but I have friends too. Watch your back! Look. I’m not trying to tell anyone what to do. Free will is my jam. I’ll do me and you do you.

All I can say is I would like to get to know you better if you want to take the time to fill your Bio and Character sheet out. I promise I won’t swipe left.

Until next time, thanks for taking the time to sit with me for a moment.

Your Friend,