Friday, June 19, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Reckoning Part 10

Nova’s voice came out of every BADGE connected device on planet Earth, and a few in orbit. Every hero would hear this announcement.

“All BADGE operatives and heroes of Earth. We have a priority one alert. Our enemy will show himself soon. We have little time. I need all heroes to converge in the area of Bursa, Turkey at once. All BADGE transports will join in evacuation efforts. I do not want a single civilian left in the entire country of Turkey, and possibly the surrounding area. I will send BADGE commanders to coordinate efforts with the Government of Turkey. There is no timetable, this must be done immediately. Nova out!”

He snapped closed the communicator and looked back at the gathered people in Lord Dragon’s throne room.

Krystal Fae asked, “Should we be going?”

“You heard the announcement. Everyone, we need you to move at once!”

Krystal directed people with the help of Fiero and Crimson Guardian.

Nova waited until the room contained only him, Lord Dragon, EB, and Quetzalcoatl. “Lord Dragon, I assume we can count on the support of the mythics?”

Lord Dragon gave a gentle nod. “This is as much our problem as it is yours. However, Santa Claus and Cupid will remain behind, their powers are diminished.”

Quetzalcoatl quietly said, “My Lord. After experiencing a taste of his power, I do not see how we can face him without our ultimate weapon.”

EB gasped, “Sacrifice of a mythic?”

Lord Dragon did not meet their eyes as he answered. “We do not know how this will go. The heroes of Earth had proven themselves above my expectations. However, Jinn is terribly strong. If the need arises that one of us makes the ultimate shall be me. He is my son, I owe this world my life to stop him.”

“NO!” Quetzalcoatl cried out.

EB hopped over and leaned on Lord Dragon’s leg, “No, sir. Don’t leave us. Please.”

“It may be our only option.”

Nova said, “It is not our only option. The heroes will surprise you.”

EB left Lord Dragon and then asked, “What if he runs? He knows we know where he is. Why would he stay there?”

“He’ll be there,” Nova stated.

Quetzalcoatl asked, “How do you know this?”

“Simple. He wanted us to know. He’s waiting for that moment he will reveal himself and at that time he will be surrounded by all the heroes of Earth, the mythics of his own world, and a cowering citizenry. This is what he has wanted all along.”

Lord Dragon asked, “How long have you known this?”

“I only figured it out during the last attempt with Chase. He fought us, he attacked you, but he did nothing to hide his location or to take that knowledge from us. There is one thing I have studied and know, villainy. He wants to be viewed as a deity, and this is exactly what he will get. But, he won’t find us cowering in fear, he will find us in resolve to end his tyranny once and for all.”

“Well said, director.” Lord Dragon answered.

EB hopped over and jumped up so that Nova would catch him. “Just be careful. I don’t want my best friend hurt.”

Nova dropped him. “Let’s get going.”


Chase walked down a hallway in the palace. She paused by a door where Santa Claus and Cupid were both on bedrolls. They were both injured by the experience with Jinn and needed some rest.

“My dear, you look like you could use some tea.” A small, gentle voice said.

She turned to find Maneki-Neko smiling at her. “Maybe. I’m feeling better.”

“Come with me. The servants prepared Lord Dragon’s afternoon tea, but he just left. I am sure we can enjoy it.” The cat led her down the hall and toward a sweet little garden.

Chase walked out, listening to the soothing trickle of a creek, the soft rustle of leaves, and sweet aromas of blossoms. This was a tiny piece of paradise. Yet the turmoil in her still raged. She found a short table near that creek where the tea had been set out. Kneeling down, she sat in the gentle grasses.

Maneki-Neko sat opposite her. Really she stood, but her tiny height made this table a perfect fit. She waved her paw, and the teapot rose and poured for both of them. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help during the experience with that stone. Lord Dragon always protects me, since I am the eldest of our kind here.”

Chase picked up the warm cup. “I had plenty of protection. After seeing what happened to Santa and Cupid, I would be afraid for you.”

Maneki held her cup with both paws. “I suppose. I am glad it did no serious harm.”

Chase sipped the bitter tea, allowing the warmth to flood her body as she enjoyed the sensation. For a moment, the sounds and smells around her, and the warmth inside, gave her a touch of peace. However, that moment passed quickly.

“Are you sure you’re all better?”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you are not,” Maneki-Neko said. “I can sense pain in you. I can see it on your face every time I look at you. If I may be so bold, my dear, you are suffering from a broken heart. I understand.”

Chase looked down at her emerald green tea. “I never thought a man could love me. I have thought so little of myself for years, I abandoned love a long time ago. Then Gar comes along and falls for me. What is worse, I didn’t even realize I had fallen for him. I fell in love with a statue.”

“No, my dear, you fell in love with a soul. You and he connected in a way that is deeper than most can fully understand.”

A new voice said, “She is right.”

Chase looked back to see that gorgeous winged man. “Cupid? You’re up?”

He smiled, “Yes. I sensed a broken heart, and it brought me here.”

Santa approached. “I sensed a great sorrow, a child’s sorrow, and I woke to bring cheer back.”

Chase frowned as she looked away from everyone. “I’m not a child.”

Santa said, “You may not be. However, the love in you was like that of a child. Innocent, pure, honest.”

Cupid sat down and poured himself some tea. “He’s right. I’ve seen all kinds of love in my time. What I feel in you, it is beautiful and broken.”

Chase wanted to curl up into a ball right now. “Gar is dead,” she whispered. “What I have in me isn’t love, it’s pain. It’s the longing for something I could have had, but was torn from me.”

Maneki said, “Don’t let it turn you bitter.”

“How can I not grow bitter? How can I overcome this pain? How long can I live like this?” Tears fell into her tea. “Oh, the irony. I spent years lusting after every stupid jewel and artifact I could get to sell. Money, that’s all that mattered, all I loved. Now, I finally understand what genuine love is all about, and...and…” she couldn’t finish. Tears fell freely as she cried.

“Time to use that pain.” Leprechaun approached the table.

“What do you want, Leprechaun?” Cupid asked.

Leprechaun pulled something behind his small body as he approached the table. “I’m here to make an offer,” he stopped and straightened up Jinn’s bottle.

“What are you doing with that?” Santa asked, accusingly.

Leprechaun smiled. “Jinn has taken something from each of us. He has connived, manipulated, and stole to gain power. Worst of all, he has killed. I know Lord Dragon doesn’t want us to be in any more danger, he believes we are weak. But, the truth is, if they fail, Jinn will finish us off anyway. I think it’s time we fight.”

Cupid snorted. “What are you going to do? Try to out-drink him.”

Leprechaun looked directly at Chase. “I’m going to give you the chance to use that pain. You don’t need to cry in your tea about Gar, you need to avenge him. Don’t let the monster who took him from you have even one more day than he deserves.” He addressed everyone. “I say we join the others.”

Santa smiled, You know, I agree. Sitting here and waiting for news is not what I want to do with my time. I fought Legion and won once, I will not be some old doddering fool waiting for news. I’m in.”

Maneki stuck her paw up. “I’m in.”

Cupid gave off a huff, yet smirked. “Fine. I really want to stick that ass in the eye with an arrow, and not a love arrow.”

Chase shook her head, “I don’t know about this.”

Leprechaun pushed the bottle toward her. “I have a plan.”
