The Adventure Fiction Contest has concluded and over the next week or so, we will be publishing your stories on the blog and in-game. All entries are posted in random order of merit except the top three finalists, which will be posted last.
Note that all entries are published unedited.
Here is the entry by Drift:
Other Names: ➳ƊɽḭƒʈḭɳᶃŞρḭᶉᶖʈ➳, ʂρḭᶉᶖʈ➳øƒ➳ɗɽḭƒʈ, ƊɽḭƒʈŴąᶉᶉᶖϕᶉ, ɗɽḭƒʈȩᶉ, ➳Ɗɽḭƒʈḭɳᶃ-Ɠh̨๏ȿʈ-๏ƒ-Ŵᶏᶉ➳
Skills & Abilities: Camouflage, Stealth, Infiltration, Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Mystic Arts.
History: Running away from home while a teen, Drift chose to live in the forest, there learning to survive and adapting to the skills & abilities. After several years of living off the grid in the natural environment Drift decided to further enhance his learning & training.
Joined MAC-SOG - Military Assistance Command-Special Operations Group. A highly classified, multi-service special operations unit which conducted covert unconventional warfare clandestine operations.
After several years of service, Drift moved on and became an independent contractor for hire. Performing & executing secret missions such as infiltration & remaining undetected in enemy territories while conducting operations & gathering intel.
After several years of practicing & using skills & abilities to further gain knowledge & power, Drift decided to join the forces of SHC - Super Hero City was built, ➳DRIFT➳ joined leagues helping to win Championships. SHC city was destroyed by the evil empire known as EA, there were only few remaining survivors left from the aftermath. After many suns & moons a new City was built and this is where Heroes are Rising to fight and survive again.
Drift was given the opportunity to practice in the city during the Gamma Test phase. This was where a chosen few heroes and villains started to learn more about Heroes Rising. Leagues and teamwork began to form, "Supers" new and old helping each other out while developing more, reporting to the Commander in Chief any trouble that happened and helping to iron out the bugs that crawled upon the city streets.
Finally after a very long trial period the doors were officially opened to the public to freely travel upon the city and endure all the missions and fights Heroes Rising had to offer. After some more developing time the city expanded further offering Fight Clubs, Raids, Climb Events, League Wars, and other events.
During the battles and events of Heroes Rising DRIFT has won and helped with Raids, Missions, Wars, Fight Clubs, Climb Battles and has been successful in winning several awards including but limited to 30,000 Attack Fight Wins, League Wars 2 Championship, Gold Medals in Climb Events and Fight Clubs.
Only time will tell how far the Heroes Rising will rise. There is surely more doors to be opened. Until then Drift has a saying and it is "Don't Feed off a Loss or a Win! The Reward is to Survive!"