Thursday, June 18, 2020

Editorial: What to do to prepare for League War 4?

By Mark Alan Bisanz

I am a fairly new player to Heroes Rising. I joined in mid-2020 and have been able to gain enough experience to level to 74 (75 is just a few battles away). The past few days I have participated in my first League War competition.

I wanted to share some observations I have made to hopefully help new players better advance their characters.

1. Whether you play to advance your abilities or pay to do so, be smart about how you spend your Morphons. Gear is fairly expensive, but always a smart bet. Pay one time and you will always have the benefit of what the gear does. The Mystery Shuffle (on your power tab next to Career) is a gamble. You're not guaranteed to get a top tier piece, but everything in the shuffle is well above average. Power Cards that cost Morphons to purchase are good, but choose wisely. What you can buy at lower levels can sometimes be gained for free by completing missions. Upgrading your power cards is potentially the biggest Morphon sink in the game. Some are worth it, but there is often a higher value Power Card you could purchase with more benefit at Level One than advancing one card you possess to Level Four. I wasted Morphons several time by upgrading cards I won by completing battles from missions. Save your Morphons  and upgrade with caution.

2. Pace yourself when fighting KOTM battles. At early levels, there are not many low level challengers. As one of your Daily Quests is winning a KOTM challenge, don't burn yourself out in one shot, fighting everyone you can. If you want to collect the benefit of the Completing All Daily Quests quest, you need to have KOTM opponents to defeat. Several times, I couldn't complete the daily quest chain and lost out on the experience and Morphon reward of that final quest because I couldn't win a battle.

3. Completing the missions on the Mission tab, such as New Amsterdam and Planet X, is a worthwhile grind. Frustrating as it can be, these storyline challenges can reward you with free Gear and Power Cards. As you progress, these rewards improve, and now that you can repeat the zones and fight the "bosses" repeatedly, it is a good way to gain multiple Power Cards that have no upkeep costs. I recommend clearing the Ardeal and Invasion zones repeatedly, as they give multiple 100% drop Power Cards.

4. Build up your available powers by making Friends. This has multiple benefits. More friends equals more available powers for you to engage. More friends will earn you more Crystals (if you take the time to harvest them), which become a valuable currency in the game. There are several powers you can purchase with Crystals that have no upkeep cost. At higher levels, it gets harder to maintain upkeep costs on powers purchased with Bux, so cards with zero upkeep costs are a blessing. As Crystals constantly generate as a resource, upgrading them to higher levels is easier than spending hard earned Bux and Morphons,

5. Read articles and posts on the Heroes Rising blog, These City Streets. There is a lot of advice to help you understand the tips and tricks to the game.

6. Connect with fellow players on the Facebook Page. These people are just like you (well, most of them), seeking to explore and enjoy the superhero genre. There are many players with long term experience with the game who are happy to help answer questions. There are also new players who have just begun their journey who might want to start a league or need to make in-game friends. Seek them out. The community and game are both better the more people that engage with one another.
