Saturday, June 13, 2020

LW3 Highlight: The Talk

The Talk

"I know we have a snowball's chance. There, I've said what we're all thinking." Starmaster said to his gathered members of The Star Force. Even behind their masks and beneath their costumes, he could sense their unease. Nobody enjoyed a good ass-kicking. "We're not going to win."

Everyone in the League War locker room nodded in agreement. Even the experienced $uperMac, who joined while his typical group took a break, grunted at the obvious admission.

"But that doesn't mean we are going to lose, either." Starmaster continued, using his telekinetic power to nudge up the lowered chins of his teammates. "We're in the game. The ones who want to but are afraid to try are the real losers."

"Every other team out there has been where we are right now. Well, maybe not the Avengers, but pretty much everyone else. We just started. Heck, a few weeks ago, we didn't even know one another. But each of you took the chance to join the league and here we are, about to face our first battle as a team. And I am proud to stand beside each and every one of you."

The assembled heroes glanced at one another, taking note of each of their companions as if seeing them with new eyes.

"HowlingMoon, you were trying to start your own league when I met you. It's not easy, is it?" Starmaster asked.

"Not really. I was a league of one for some time, but I'm not from around here." The alien Talarian replied.

"I waited for a while before any of you replied to my messages to join," Starmaster shrugged. "Eventually you did, all of you, and just in time for us to sign up for this League War. Why take a chance on The Star Force?"

They sat in uncomfortable silence, nobody willing to share their reason.

"Guys, I'm a telepath," Starmaster rolled his eyes behind his facemask. "I know you all felt it was a big gamble, but hoped that the longshot pay off."

"You know you shouldn't be reading our minds, hun," Blue Flame chided with an easy smile "I should report you to someone."

Sending her a mental smirk emoji, Starmaster went on. "We are a longshot. That means The Star Force is in it for the long game, not just this one League War, but in further League Wars. On missions. Fighting the Legion when the time comes. Getting the Jinn and aveng-- getting justice for Gar."

The mention of Gar's name hardened a resolve within each person before Starmaster. Even after death, the mention of a true hero's name carried a power.

"Remember today. Your first battle. Your first win. Your first loss. Each experience adds value to your life." Starmaster brought out a lanyard with a freshly printed team logo on it. "Have I ever mentioned why I named us The Star Force?"

"I thought you were just arrogant and named it after yourself," Phantos replied. Arcanus Maximus and Man-Force nodded in agreement and high-fived to Phantos.

"No," Starmaster sighed. "When I was a kid, there was a saying I grew up on. Reach for the stars. I always wondered why people said that. Nobody I knew was tall enough to even try to get one, but people kept saying it. As I grew older, I remember thinking there must be something really amazing up there for people to keep wanting to touch it. I finally realized one day that it wasn't about getting an actual star, but doing something so unlikely, so impossible, that you push yourself to do more than you ever thought you could."

"Wow. Great story. Do we get cookies and milk now before naptime?" The Fabulous G.j chimed in.

The teammates laughed, some of their tension over their upcoming battles melting away.

"I'll get you milk and cookies if you win eight fights, dude,"  Starmaster chuckled. "My point is I named it The Star Force because I hope we all tap into that belief that the impossible is possible, no matter how remote the chance it. That belief is the most powerful thing I know. We can do this. Maybe not today. Maybe not next League War or the one after that, but one day, through our belief and hard work, we can reach those stars. All we need to do is try, learn from our successes and failures, and push ourselves to get there. Who's with me?"

The members of The Star Force stood and cheered, filling the room with the noise of twice as many people. Starmaster could sense their improved spirits. A fog of concern still clung about them but hope and enthusiasm shone more brightly as well.

As they walked out of the locker room, $uperMac pulled Starmaster to one side. "Good speech, but you do know I'm going back to my other team when this war is over."

"Yeah," Starmaster said as he watched the other walk up the ramp to the stadium, each carrying a lanyard symbolizing their place in the group. "But that is a problem for another day. I'll prepare for that moment when today is said and done."
