Monday, June 15, 2020

LW3: Round 2 Division 4 Update

By Captain Ultra

Round 1 recap

Suicide squad beat the living crap out Red Guard.  Red Guard didn't even fight back at all.  Wise Guys got off to a quick start out of the gate to a  pretty big lead and Tygger Squad tried to storm back but even though they managed to close the gap we led them from start to finish.

Round 2

Suicide Squad is tough against Tygger Squad who are being skunked and are the favorites to be Champion in the division. Wise Guys have once  again got off to a quick and strong start against their opponent Red Guard who look for redemption after a first round humiliation at the  hands of the Suicide Squad.  Will Suicide Squad keep their perfect streak alive and go into the finals seeking to keep Perfection intact? Will The Red Guard avenge their humiliation at the expense of the Wise Guys, only 22 hours and change to go and we will see.

This hurry up and wait sucks! With mere hours left in round 2 Suicide Squad has taken no prisoners and have happily farmed their helpless  opponent Tygger Squad  soul crushing oerwhelming defeat sort of like  kicking a dead dog repeatedly over and over again many many hours after  it's long since died.

Meanwhile The Wise Guys, after a quick  start, are holding on to a Victory against the Red Guard by the  narrowest of margins.  With hours to go both sides must ask themselves,  do we have any more battles to fight.   Will some forgotten Champion rise from either ranks to prove the Dark Horse Last Minute Difference maker? Or is it time to look to the 3rd and final round?

Do the Wise Guys look ahead to face the Domination Dog Carcass kicking might of the  Suicide Squad ? Can they salvage pride by not completely being overwhelmed by their opponent? Is First a possibillity or is second  place their only consolation price for a hard fought war?

Meanwhile IF they Red Guard Don't stage a comeback in the wee waning  hours of the War do they go into the 3rd round of the wars with a major chip on their shoulders? Are they the statistically favorites to salvage 3rd place knowing that they their fight with the Wise Guys was much closer then Tyggers was to the Wise Guys, so theorectically they should  have the advantage over the Bouncy ones. Or is it a closer match then it  seems on paper? Perhaps it's only a small tonic to wash the bitterness of defeat out of 3rd place's mouth as we hurry up and wait for the 3rd  and final round of League Wars.