Monday, June 15, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Reckoning Part 7

“You know, I could’ve just zapped us there. One portal, and ‘poof’ we’re all in Kyoto,” Strange Quark stated.

Nova, seated with the others on the BADGE transport, said, “Transporting that way always gives me a headache.”

Leprechaun added, “your powers are vast and amazing, my friend, but you know that Jinn has intercepted you while going through dimensional shifts. Conventional transport is safer.”

Quark nodded, “Good point. He could really mess us up if he interrupted that.”

They waited a moment while a little air turbulence rocked the small pod. Quetzalcoatl looked outside, “Truly amazing humans have created fantastic technology in such a brief time.”

“You’ve been underground for seven centuries,” Leprechaun stated.

“Wow, even shorter than I thought. Truly amazing.” Quetzalcoatl smiled as Fiero waved at them from where she flew next to their aircraft.

Quark asked, “Tell me again why Fiero is out there and not in here?”

Nova said, “I asked her to be on the lookout. Just in case Jinn tries anything.”

Crimson smiled at Fiero, “I love flying when I get the chance. I loved getting out there and playing in the winds with Gar. We would...oh, sorry.” He looked back at Chase, seated in the back.

“It’s okay,” Chase quietly said. “He loved to fly.”

Crimson stood up and walked back to her. He sat down, which was cumbersome in his heavy armor. He presented her with a hearty chunk of chocolate. “Here. Have some of this. It’s amazing. Even has a little magic in it.”

She accepted it, “Thanks.”

Crimson softly said, “I haven’t said anything since we lost him. I liked him...I guess we all did. He was unique. If you ever want to talk or even yell at someone, I can take it.”

She ate some chocolate and said, “Thanks. I might take you up on that.”

Crimson looked up to find all the eyes on him, most filled with astonishment. “Hey, I know, I’m not the most eloquent hero, but I have my moments.”

Just then the piloting robot announced, “Entering Kyoto airspace. Systems cannot get a lock on the landing zone as indicated.”

Nova said, “Don’t worry, just follow Fiero.”

Outside, Fiero took the lead and flew down toward the hidden mountaintop. Around her neck hung that favor from Lord Dragon. The moment she passed through the barrier, a hole formed and the shuttle was allowed through. As soon as they had passed the barrier, the hole sealed. To the outside world, the shuttle and Fiero both vanished from sight instantly.

Nova led his team into the Throne Room, where Lord Dragon waited with Gamma Ray, Krystal Fae, and Timebender.

“Greetings, Director Nova.” Lord Dragon welcomed them.

“Is this everyone?” Nova asked this with a touch of hesitation in his voice.

Before Lord Dragon...or anyone for that matter...could say something, a familiar voice yelled, “NOVA, BUDDY!” A white blur burst into the room and grabbed hold of Nova. EB held Nova around the chest, plastered against him. “IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!”

“Get off,” Nova growled as he peeled the bunny off of him.

EB hit the ground and then hopped over to Chase. “How are you doing? Oh, I see you have some of my chocolate, that’ll make ya feel better. Want an egg? Strawberry white chocolate with a creamy filling.” He held up a colorful egg.

While EB attempted to console Chase, Quark stood next to Timebender, “Why are you here?”

Timebender slid his eyes toward Quark, “Doing my thing. What are you doing here?”

“I’m an essential part of this operation. Besides, Gar was my best friend.”

There was a moment of motionless friction between them, then suddenly both jerked backward and held their faces.

“What’s going on!” Nova barked.

Quark sneered as he rubbed his cheek. “Just showing him who is better at time-shifting.”

“HA! I slapped you ten times before you even knew I was moving.”

“Enough, you two!” Nova separated them while muttering, “It’s like working with children.”

Krystal Fae asked, “Where’s this stone?”

“Right here.” Crimson produced the stone out of a secret compartment in his suit of armor.

Fiero said, “Let’s get this done.”

Lord Dragon held up his hand, “My friends. We need to prepare before we do this. It will take considerable power to keep Jinn from interfering again. Come, we...” he paused, and this drew a lot of attention. Standing, he walked through the gathered people to the quietest person. “Quetzalcoatl, my old friend. What is the matter?”

Quetzalcoatl had his head down and his body trembled. He looked up at Lord Dragon, tears in his eyes. “I am sorry, my Lord. I did not realize what being in your presence without Lady Phoenix would feel like.”

Lord Dragon quietly said, “Come. We shall have some tea and then prepare for what we must do to stop my son.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“My kin, follow me.” Lord Dragon led the solemn man out.

EB followed behind.

“Aren’t you going with them?” Krystal Fae looked at Leprechaun, her eyes full of fire at the little man.

Leprechaun shrugged. “I have no power, I’m of little use to them now. However, I would like to show my friend here where he might find a nice touch of spirits.” He motioned for Quark.

Strange Quark clapped his hands together. “Awesome. I’ve been far too sober for too long. Getting crazy in the head. A nice sake would hit the spot.”

“Then I’m your Leprechaun. A boost, please.” Leprechaun waited while Quark picked him up.

Nova motioned to the others. “All right, everyone. I want all supers out on the parameter of this place. I trust Lord Dragon’s protective barrier, but I still would rather have eyes out there in case something happens.” The heroes, save Chase, broke up and headed out.


“Sake is nice, but give me a fine Irish Whiskey any day.” Leprechaun sat on Quark’s shoulder while Quark walked lower into the palace’s bowels.

Quark, taking another swing on a bottle of sake, said, “Irish Whiskey is good. I have several nice bottles in storage.” He downed another drink that finished the bottle.

Leprechaun laughed, “Finally met someone who could go toe to toe with me in the libation department.”

“Ah, I gotcha beat. I don’t get drunk on this stuff, I get a clearer head.”

They stopped at a door that had a strange glowing field in front of it. Leprechaun’s demeanor changed. “This is it.”

Quark touched the barrier, feeling the solid wall of light between them and the door. “You know my power hasn’t always worked out too well with the stuff you guys can do.”

“All we can do is try, lad. Just...give it a go.”

Quark set down the sake bottle and then held up his hands. His body became semi-transparent. Leprechaun also changed under Quark’s influence. Slowly walking forward, he slid through the barrier and the closed door as if they weren’t there.

“How did that work?” Quark looked back.

Leprechaun said, “It is just as I thought. That barrier was specially designed to keep Jinn out, so they focus it on our kind of power. Yours bypassed it.”

“I hope I didn’t set off any alarms. Would hate to get Lord Dragon upset.”

“Don’t worry. Look, there it is.”

Quark found a small table with a single object on it, a black bottle with a long neck. “Is this it?”

“Yes. I saw it once before they banished him.”

“All of Jinn’s original power is trapped inside this bottle?”

“All of it.” Leprechaun hopped down from the shoulder perch and stood next to the bottle on the table. “Ironic. He fooled me into putting all my power into my talisman, then stole it. Now, here I am, standing next to all his power sealed into his talisman.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Leprechaun gave off a clever smile, “It’s a perfect idea.”
