Wednesday, June 17, 2020

LW3: Reflections and Musings on Round 3 Div 4

By Crossroads

Crossroads Personal Journal Entry, June 2049.
<REFLECTIONS AND MUSINGS - League Wars 3, Round 3, Division 4>

Round 3 is almost over and there's only a few more hours until they wrap up the League War.  Looking forward to the downtime after the tournament.  it's been a tough one. We got completely blown out by ‡ ⱾUเCเD€ ⱾQU₳Đ ‡ in Round 1. It was like we didn't even put up a fight.  I know we did!  We have the bruises and scars to prove it.  And the humiliation.  They were just too powerful.

It went a little better in Round 2 against the 5th Precinct Wise Guys, but they still beat us. They were a lot tougher than I remember them being.  I need to find out what their training regimen is like and see if we can use those methods in Red Guard. 

We're doing even better against Tygger's Freak Show. We're actually winning for the moment, but with 3 hours left, there's no telling what will happen. The fights are much closer and we've had to work hard to get the wins we've posted.  It all seems precarious, though.

Losing hurts.  I know its not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game. Well we've sucked at playing this game!  I went into this all jacked up and itching for a fight, we all did.  The fight against Jinn has been brutal, not just for those of us who have been hurt during the many battles he has manipulated with Cupid, the Leprechaun, and EB, but that last battle was the worst. Krystal Fae was almost killed, Lady Phoenix was killed, and Gar....

What happened to Gar was just not right.  He was such a good soul.  So innocent and friendly, like a child. Always willing to talk to you.  He was the first superhero that I ever talked to. He was genuinely nice to me even with all the chaos surrounding the Leprechaun incident in Ireland. And everyone seemed to think very highly of him, he was everyone's friend. 

And it's been so hard watching Chase deal with it.  From what I have been told, she was always so aloof, so "distrustful" of everyone, if that's the right word, when she started working with BADGE.  I guess that's to be expected when you've been an international jewel thief on BADGE's most wanted list!  Still, I like her.  She didn't see aloof and dismissive to me, she was a really nice person, a little hard to get close to, but still friendly.

Not so much, now.  I mean, she's not mean or "unfriendly", but she's been so sad and withdrawn since we lost Gar.  I worry about her. I can't even go into Gar's room when she's there.  It just hurts too much. 

Huh.  "Gar's Room." Like it's his bedroom or apartment or something.  It's more like a shrine than anything else.

I've asked the Crossroads if they knew anything about what happened to Gar or Lady Phoenix or where Jinn might be, but no one had any information.  Apparently, Gar doesn't exist in any  dimension I have contact with and they don't have the same problem with Jinn that we have.  Still they are very supportive and have given me hope that we can still beat Jinn.

It looks like The Omen is just about done fighting Big D from Tygger's and should bring home a win. Heavy Metal is about to start a match with Outstanding Edward.  It should be a good match-up, but I'll give the edge to Heavy.  After all, he's my teammate!

Okay, I can see that Shit Show and Cadaverdog look like they want to talk to me. Probably about where to party after the matches are over. I really don't want to party too hearty tonight.  There's going to be a lot of commiserating about losses and bragging about wins among all the Leagues tonight at the bars near here.  I'd rather take everyone back to New Orleans and do a pub crawl through the French Quarter.  There won't be any drama..well not any EXTRA drama, like the EPIC FAIL FOUR trying to rob a bank in a city overtaken by superheroes.  What a bunch of losers!  Anyway, I know the best places to go and I'm a little homesick right now.

GTG now, Journal.  I'll write more later.
