Monday, June 1, 2020

Nova's Announcement

Nova and Unit 10915 approached the giant hovering stadium in the shuttle, passing through the protective barrier and landing on one of the many docking arms.

Nova stepped out and walked through the enormous halls and corridors that led all over the stadium's vast array of seating.

“Sir, we have five news helicopters approaching.”

Nova had a little smile on his face. “Good.”

“Good? You always say the media are nothing but a nuisance.”

“Right now the citizens of this world need to see the power of the heroes that are protecting them. They need to see this competition so that whatever comes next from Jinn they know we are still here for them. Now, get the platform ready.”

Nova walked out onto the platform attached to the side of the stadium. He would normally sit here to observe the competition, however, it had a unique purpose. A podium came up from the ground. Using controls on it, Nova activated the platform and flew it out into the middle of the field. Around the platform appeared a dozen holographic monitors that would project this message across the planet. This time, Nova allowed something he had never before. The forcefield dropped and those news helicopters came in closer. He pressed an extra button and the speakers around the stadium all became active.

Face after face appeared in the monitors, leaders of leagues, commanders of hero squadrons, and a few world leaders.

“Heroes, heroines, citizens, and leaders, it has been a hard year already. We have seen struggles the likes of which have never been felt by the people of Earth before. Legends and myths have wrought havoc over this world. It is with great pride that I have watched each incident bring us closer together and we have come through stronger. I know fear is at an all-time high, but this is not the time to fear, it is the time to look to the heroes of this world and know they are ready to fight for you. Therefore, I am summoning a special League War, a competition among the heroes of Earth. Not only will this give our heroes a chance to practice and strengthen themselves for the upcoming battles, but it will also allow you, the citizens, to grow in confidence in your heroes as they display their genuine power. Leagues of Earth, show me your strength. Do not hold back. Let the League Wars begin!”
