Monday, June 8, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Reckoning Part 1

A flickering glow from the main monitor was all that lit up the BADGE command center. An anchorwoman breathlessly spoke as she relayed the news.

“This was the scene captured by NHK near the Okinawa Islands. A large Dragon-like creature battled superheroes. Five small islands were set ablaze, but they have reported no injuries at this time. BADGE and local authorities were able to evacuate civilians.” The screen displayed the battle with Lord Dragon as the heroes drove him away from the island, out to sea. “Reports came in that the dragon and heroes returned to Shuri City, where the battle ended. However, due to interference and the danger of the situation, no video recordings were captured. All video evidence of the event captured by BADGE operatives has been kept from public access at this time. At the same time, a strange castle was seen near Kyoto, it appeared on an undocumented mountain that also appeared at the same time. BADGE officials prevented any news or military from entering the property, and shortly after that, it vanished once again. The only video evidence captured at a close range came from a helicopter that was destroyed during the broadcast, all occupants of the helicopter perished. We turn now to our expert on metahuman activity. Dr. Wellim, would you care to enlighten us about the recent surge of unusual activity...” The sounds from the news faded away as the volume was reduced.

A fresh light burst through the newly opened door. Director Nova stood there. Chase didn’t acknowledge him. She remained slumped over the table with her chin in her hands.

“Chase? What are you doing up? I thought Dr. Henderson told you to rest.”

Chase only moved her mouth to answer, “I don’t feel like sleeping.”

“So, you sit in an unlit room, watch the news, and brood.”

Chase didn’t answer.

Nova came in, letting the door close behind him. “Chase...I know it’s been hard since Gar...since Gar was taken from us. But...”

“But, I need to stop letting it overtake my thoughts and feelings.” She finished with the words of Dr. Henderson.

Nova pulled over a chair, sitting close to her. “I miss him too. Part of me found him a little annoying, he was so...cheerful and inquisitive. Yet, it was like having a child around, and I guess I grew to like that innocent quality. But, I know that my job is paramount, now more than ever. His sacrifice must not be lost, we must avenge his death by saving this world from whatever Jinn has planned.”

She said, “He loved me. I have never let a man get close enough to me to fall in love. I thought it was not possible, I am...I am not a lovable person. Yet, he fell in love. Nova, do you understand what happened? Do you know what that moment was like when I touched his stone body? I could literally see his feelings. It broke me inside. I...I don’t know how to go on.”

Nova sat there, in the dark, quiet for a long time. The people on the screen kept talking and videos played of all their adventures. Cupid’s destruction of Paris, the battle with Krampus, the Easter Egg incident, the Leprechaun’s gold in Ireland. Nova watched for a long time as they replayed the last six months of all the strange adventures caused by Jinn’s master plan. After a moment of thought, he turned to Chase again. “Gar, like you and me, fought for this world. He, of all people, had a reason to be bitter and hateful. You don’t know his full story, his creator died making him. Then, the man who found him when he woke treated him like a son and helped him, but was murdered by Legion. Gar is...was unique in this world, people even treated him like some kind of demon. Yet, through all that, he had a kind heart, a cheerful spirit, and a devotion to justice. He was an honorable man, and his death was beyond unjust. It is our duty to honor his memory by saving this world from the heartless monster who killed him. And you, Chase, need to be a part of that. I’m not telling you to get revenge, I’m telling you to avenge his memory. Please.”

She finally looked at him. There was a brief smile on her face. “Nova, that may be the most passionate thing I have ever heard from you.”

Nova whipped under one eye, only now realizing a tear had welled up. “Gar was my friend too,” he whispered.

Chase sat up and took in a deep breath. “I need to get out of the dark and justify the love that Gar felt for me.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” He stood up. “Get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow.”

Chase gave him a nod and stood. Nova walked away as she stretched her back. Suddenly, on the screen, during a commercial for legal services, the image fuzzed and there was a horrible demonic visage looking at her. She shrieked and jumped back.

“What?” Nova turned around.

She pointed at the screen, which had a commercial for an SUV. “I...I just saw a demon on the viewer.”

Nova looked up and waited while the commercial ended, and the news returned, talking about the weather. “Are you sure?”

“Yes...oh, I guess it was just a strange commercial. Couldn’t hear what it was saying with it muted. Wow, I’m jumpy tonight. I need more sleep.” She flicked off the screen, leaving them in the dark.

The door opened for Nova, giving them light to leave by. “All our nerves are on edge.”

She passed him. “Good night, sir.”

“Good night.” He waited and then spent a moment looking back at the black monitor.
