Thursday, June 4, 2020

Fiction Contest Results

The fiction contest has been a wonderful success. We had some regular writers submit along with new writers. All had a unique take on the theme and turned in wonderful work.

The entries varied nicely between the two themes. Some players told the origin story of their heroes, some told a story set within one of the Lore stories about the recent Mythic story arc. I really appreciated those that blended the two and put their origins within the Mythic arc. All did great work. 
I don't exaggerate that I had a hard time judging this and picking the top three. I have said this before, I do not judge based on quality of writing. As you may know, I have a publishing background. I don't judge these entries as I would those by authors who are either aspiring to be or already are published. I don't expect the fan fiction writing to be publishing quality, that would be unfair. I only look for if or if not the author followed the theme, if they constructed a complete story, and were original. Everyone did great.

I do want to point something out. I do want original work, as in, your story, your ideas. Even when writing within the realm of the canon of Heroes Rising, you can be original. For the first time I came across writing that included ideas directly taken from published work outside of Heroes Rising. I shy away from calling it plagiarism, it was more of a retelling of someone else's work. However, I strongly urge people to be as original as possible with your work. 

That all said. A big thank you to everyone who contributed. I hope, in the future, everyone continues to contribute. I also hope that people who haven't tried, try. 

Starting today the entries will be posted both in the blog and in-game news. Your stories will be featured, congratulations. Also, the contributors have all been rewarded. The top three winners of the contest will be featured at the end. All others will be posted at random. If yours is first or last doesn't mean anything about the judgment of the work. 
