Friday, June 5, 2020

Adventure Contest Entry : A Spring of Scintilatting Surprises

The Adventure Fiction Contest has concluded and over the next week or so, we will be publishing your stories on the blog and in-game. All entries are posted in random order of merit except the top three finalists, which will be posted last.

Note that all entries are published unedited.

Here is the entry by Macaia's Daughter:

It's been seldom an ordinary day over here, from where I'm concerned... from one maddening adventure to another... but the good news makes the tough times and close escapes well worth it, as far as I'm concerned.

So you know about the Casa Nova situation, right? While Cupid was getting up to no good in the US and Europe, our Lothario-esque friend had managed to encounter the winged archer and end up in a dazzled, berserk state.

Young Power Bottom and his twin Underwatch were able to hold him in check and the three of us managed to prevent him from doing a ton of damage. Right now, he's in a secluded facility - not exactly prison - as BADGE officers work on his mental well-being. All's well that ends well on that front.

Soon after that, my mother and I took a trip to San Corto to follow up on the situation with dinosaurs and the like. Something out of a 90's thriller movie, huh? Luckily the only wacky science fella was dispatched before he screwed up with the space-time continuum any more.

Anyway, at about that time we got reports of Leprechaun gold appearing all over the place. That was all well and fine until the pirates showed up... while Lompf was already apprehended, portals were still appearing although in fewer numbers... and one of them happened to be one bringing in Blackbeard's merry crew. As you know, pirates love nothing more than treasure. So it turned into one messy quest racing the pirate crews for the Leprechaun gold. As it turned out, every piece of gold recovered was essential to thwarting the scheme set out by that hooded man in Ireland. As for the pirates, luckily my mother's still got that swashbuckler mentality. They've been captured and BADGE is figuring out on the best course of action with them.

You want to know about Ability Mage, eh? Well we'll definitely be sharing that account in the very near future and trust me, nobody's happier than me that we were able to rescue our old and dear friend.

I'm actually about to check back in on him. Even though we're now part of the 5th Precinct group, we've got A.M. as our priority item, so to speak. Mama is in Peru looking for distinct herbal remedies while B.D. and Devra focus on the medical side of things. But anyway, that's enough time, thanks for listening. Spare your positive thoughts and blessings for all of us. After all if the Legion is planning another volley or that hooded man is plotting an attack, we'll need as many people at the ready... take care!