Sunday, June 14, 2020

LW3: Notes from the Recovery Room

By Starmaster

Immediately after a battle during League Wars 3, there are two separate destinations for each participant. The victor moves on to the winners circle. The fallen go to the Recovery Room. Even tough-as-nails heroes need a bit of TLC and medical attention to speed up their return to the games.

Here at the 8 o'clock hour, just under four hours until the first battle round completes, I'm watching as gurney after gurney of combatants is given the once-over by a caring and compassionate staff of medical professionals, mystic healers, and psychic surgeons.

First up, from Division 1, DarkHeart is brought in after CrossBones weakened his opponent's ability to attack and defend. A final Spectral Punch knocks out DarkHeart. That's bound to leave a significant bruise to wake up to tomorrow. Better give him some aspirin.

In Division 4, Jinxx faces off against The Outstanding Edward and brings that fight to a close with a Mental Assault. I don't know what The Outstanding Edward might have envisioned when that attack happened, but they are seeing stars now.

Looking in on the rookie league of Division 7, I see Kitsune has fallen before the might of Deep Dark. The Telepathic Assault  dealt to this hero might just have changed Kitsune's mind about the tactics of their next fight. Once she wakes up, of course.

In Division 5, Arcanus Maximus lost to ERIS Erzuli after an outstanding one-two combination. ERIS connected with Arcanus with a powerful Dragon Breath attack that stunned the hero and left him open to the finishing knock-out blow from Keen Eyesight. Being stunned, I don't think Arcanus saw that attack coming. Nighty, night, mystic marvel.

Heroes come into the Recovery Room at a steady pace, but after some smelling salts, a More-Fun bar, and Hator-Aid juice box, these combatants get back on their feet and onto the battlefield in no time at all.

I hope you've enjoyed this tiny glimpse behind-the-curtain at League Wars 3. Make sure to give thanks to your medical first responders.
