Thursday, June 11, 2020

Adventure Contest Entry. Origin of Captain Marvel

The Adventure Fiction Contest has concluded and over the next week or so, we will be publishing your stories on the blog and in-game. All entries are posted in random order of merit except the top three finalists, which will be posted last.

Note that all entries are published unedited.

Here is the entry by Captain Marvel:

Im Bill Batson aka Captain Marvel. Im originally from the Golden age dimension. First let me start by clearing the air on a couple of questions and misconceptions.The questions I keep getting asked are. (1) Is Captain Marvel and Shazam the same person? No, they are not the same person. Shazam was the Wizard who gave me my powers. He also gave Black Adam his powers (2) I thought Captain Marvel was a female? Carol Danvers originally Ms Marvel is my psycho x wife. She stole and copy righted my name after our divorce. (Yes it was a UGLY breakup) Honestly what super Hero thinks of copy righting their name? (3) Arent you a male alien who posed undercover on Earth as a human scientist. I thought you died? No that was Mar-vel. A alien Skree and close friend of mine. He stood in for me when I was doing a Saturday morning TV show in the 70's (4) Dident you get sued and have to quit crime fighting? Yes l got sued because DC said I was too powerful & was just a rip off of Superman. Can you believe that crap! It all started after knocking Superman on his butt. You know how they hate Superman looking anything but invincible. But it is all straightened out now.

My parents are deceased. I have a Sister Mary Marvel and a Cousin Freddy Freeman. Each of us has a fragment of "The Rock Eternal". This is where we draw our power from. Unfortunately If we all power up together we each have only 1/3 of our powers.

We both have super strength. But Superman has a slight edge on strength and speed. I cant shoot lasers out of my eyes. Nor do I have super cool breath. And Brother if you have ever smelled Supes breath up close. You would know why it can stop any villain in their tracks! In fact he does not have to use his super cold breath for you to see it! UGHH give that man a breath mint!

I have many powers that most of you do not know about. But truth be told. Some of them are seriously lacking. I have the power of sight beyond sight. If I focus on someone I can see them in my mind. But if I don't recognize something in the back ground. Then I don't have a clue where they are at. In times of uncertainty I can call upon the Elder Gods and seek their wisdom and advise. I use this very sparingly. Because they usually laugh and mock me. For what Elder God has time for a mere mortals problems Even a super powered one.

Like some famous athletes and a few Super Heros. Once in a while I will refer to my self in third person. As in. You cant stop Captain Marvel. Or the infamous ( Captain Marvels going to eat your kids), But all kidding aside. Here are the rest of my powers. Every letter of my name S H A Z A M stems from a God or a King from which I draw my power.

S is for for the Wisdom of Solomon: Solomon I have instant access to a vast amount of knowledge. The wisdom of Solomon is sometimes known as the Wisdom of the Ancients. I have superhuman clairvoyance and awareness. I am provided with counsel and advice in times of need. I have knowledge of all languages, ancient and modern warfare, and can hypnotize or enchant people with my power. The power of wisdom lends me knowledge far beyond mortal comprehension.

Superhuman Knowledge: I have exceptional photographic recall and mental acuity allowing me to read and decipher hieroglyphics, recall everything I have ever learned and solve long mathematical equations. Instantaneously I can make intuitive guesses based on limited data; to the point my guesses are almost always correct; also I have a great understanding of divine phenomenon in the mortal world.

Clairvoyance: I have an uncanny awareness of my circumstances that allows me to turn disadvantages into advantages.

Hypnosis: Through sheer power and magic I can hypnotize people for a short length of time. Only those of great willpower can overcome this ability.

Omni-lingual: I can speak every language known to humans as well as ancient or dead languages and I am able to understand aliens.

H for the Strength of Hercules: In the role as Earth's Mightiest Mortal, I have incredible super strength.).

Superhuman Strength: Give me the ability to lift and/or press volumes of mass far in excess to that normally possible for a human being functioning in Earth gravity.

A for the Stamina of Atlas: The Titan known as Atlas had limitless endurance. Atlas cradled the Earth for time immemorial. I can overcome tremendous physical resistance. This superhuman ability lends to my ability to stay as Captain Marvel for elongated periods of time, survive in space and fight seemingly endless battles.

Self-Sustenance: I do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Superhuman Stamina: My incredible metabolism endows me with practically infinite endurance and inexhaustible stamina.

Z for the Power of Zeus: Zeus was Olympus's high father and the god of magical lightning bolts. Zeus' power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms me into Captain Marvel, It also enhances my other physical and magical abilities. This power reinforces my physical invulnerability and resistance against magic spells and attacks. I can use the magical lightning as a weapon. I can summon Zeus's lighting bolts to strike his opponents. Zeus's lightning may be used to create mythic apparatus, restore damage done to Me, and act as a power source for magical spells. I knocked Superman unconscious with the speed of Mercury and with my fists wrapped in lighting bolts.
I am only affected by the most potent of spells and abilities.

You might be asking yourself. With all those abilities why are you not King of the Mountain? Well here is the thing. WEAKNESSES
Once in a while my powers will go haywire and I turn into Captain Marbles, a Captain Marvel opposite. Marbles' magic word is "SHAZOOM", which stands for Solid Steel and Sex and Sex appeal, H is for Heel, A is for Attitude (as in a Bad one), Z is for Zealot, O is for Overbearing Oxymoron), and M is for Money. In contrast to Captain Marvel's perceived innocence and goodness, Marbles is greedy and money-grubbing, and a master criminal. Because we all like to explore the dark side once in a while.

The end.