Thursday, June 4, 2020

Adventure Contest Entry by Crimson Guardian

The Adventure Fiction Contest has concluded and over the next week or so, we will be publishing your stories on the blog and in-game. All entries are posted in random order of merit except the top three finalists, which will be posted last.

Note that all entries are published unedited.

Here is the entry by Crimson Guardian:

ok so this is my report but before i start did you ever hear of the Hateful 8 yea well i will not be forgetting them anytime soon The clean up operation was going well and we had most of the shell gathered up there where a lot of new recruits assisting i was setting up the (Hi Frequency Atomic Dis-assembler) BOOMBOX so we could get this done fast just a quick fine tune so as to not break everything else and in a flash everyone was bleeding and fast bad real bad i enacted the rapid response protocol installed by BADGE as trillions of nanits flooded the battle field clotting wounds and scanning for attackers there they where two of them on a small hill the first was a blonde pirate lady with an eyepatch but she was rockin it hardcore ... but anyway the guy was like part cyborg all tat'ed up with a ponytail i would later find there names to be Mistress Mayhem & Body Bagz with her power to control the countless shards of this near unbreakable shell and his power to hide the very perception of injury let alone the shards themselves we where caught unaware but quickly i began creating shadow clones to open escape portals and rush the wounded away it was then i realized my own injuries but the enemy was relentless attacking the weak and strong alike no one was safe from the maelstrom of blood and bone blades this woman had whipped up finely the clones have cleared the field of wounded and i could look at my sensors now the strange readings i was getting make sense it was his power interfering with my scans with my mind now cleared i launch a team of clones at the members of the 8 as a portal appears in front of the woman named Mayhem as the clone passed through it what was but a second to use was a life time to my clone mind and the scares of what i seen will be with me as long as the ones from the war as quickly as there rescuer appeared she was gone with her friends in tow the last thing i hear is the man say " That cape will be down for awhile he does not have my power to protect him from the horror of LaFears portals " and with that they where gone now my readout said that the BOOMBOX broke down 97% of the shell but that 3% in her hands i just don't know