Sunday, June 14, 2020

League War 3: The First Battle Round

Starmaster's chest heaved, as if an extra person sat on his sternum and refused to move. If he could breath breathe in one good lungful of air, he might be able to make it past the introductions.

"In the first battle of The 101st Spacerangers vs The Star Force, we have Starmaster fighting against Quantum Flux."

He looked across the field, spotting his adversary waving at the crowd. Starmaster raised his arm to follow suit, grateful to anyone who would cheer for him and his team. He found himself awestruck once he allowed himself to take in the view beyond the site of the upcoming battle.
The chairs were full of spectators from the bottom row to the top, nose-bleed seats high above him. Before his facemasks polarizing lenses could adjust, Starmaster had to shield his sight from the stadium lights and their intense luminescence. Starmaster swallowed at what little moisture there was in his dry throat.
This must be how an ant feels while under the magnifying glass.

The rules were simple. Do what it takes to win. Starmaster had done his homework and studied up on the 101st. Most of them were far more experienced than many of his teammates. He chose to be the first of The Star Force to fight, selecting Quantum Flux first because he needed to show his teammates it could be done. That there wasn't anything to be afraid of.

Maybe I should have let $uperMac go first?
Starmaster shook his head from side to side to release his own doubts. He had battled QF before in a practice session, defeating him with ease.
Heroes. Battle begins in three, two, one...


It didn't take long. Quantum Force fought hard, but in the end, Starmaster triumphed. He went on to face the other members of the 101st. Major Salamander. Rysh, Sentinel X, Lord Rodaxian, and the rest, all the way up to ERIS Erzuli, who had been a very challenging opponent. 10 wins against 10 noble heroes. Now, he stood in opposition against the 101st's team leader, Captain Hylaurious.

The announcer shouted the countdown out. Starmaster launched into the air, surrounded by his telekinetic shield and sought out the Captain's mind on the mindscape. If he could get some early damage in while at range, he might be able to weaken his foe.

He couldn't find one.

This could be bad...


His body ached as he walked out of the Recovery Room, sipping at his juice-box. Starmaster sucked out every last drop before throwing the container away with a heavy sigh.

"Can't win them all," $uperMac said as he approached the leader of The Star Force.

"Didn't you win all of yours?" Starmaster asked.

"Yeah," $uperMac replied, drawing up beside the defeated hero. He turned to walk alongside Starmaster and laid his arm across his back, giving his friend an encouraging pat on the opposite shoulder. "But you're not me."

They walked down the hallway at the crowds thinned, the first day of the League War over, discussing tactics for Day Two.
