Sunday, June 21, 2020

RAID ALERT: Throwdown Showdown: Heroes vs The Jinn

By Mark Alan Bisanz

In Bursa, Turkey, a massive endeavor is taking place at this very moment. Heroes from around the globe are engaging a gargantuan opponent. One who has been terrorizing this very Earth for several months. The Jinn.

The battle field is alive with bolts of energy of every color of the spectrum. Explosions and calls for aid ring out all across this display of utter chaos. With demons rising from every shadowed corner, it would be easy to describe this as the very gates of Hell trying to break open onto the world as we know it.

Just last week, these same heroes fought against each other in battles during the League War 3 event. If the passion for battle and triumph we witnessed there is any indication, the Jinn will have his hands full withstanding this assault. There is no guarantee, though, of their victory. The Jinn has withstood the combined efforts of so many heroes and is still standing strong. The cost for winning this challenge could be very high indeed.

If you are out there, and have the strength in you to fight, please, get join and help these brave heroes, these incandescent souls putting their very lives on the line to protect this small blue orb and those who live upon it.


One hour and 23 minutes after this combat began, Jinn is still strong, showing no sign of weakening. Having expended much of their energy, the first battalion of heroes have fallen back, replaced by fresh heroes to the scene. So far, we have identified such heavy hitters as  Da/\/\oN and ♦S♦U♦P♦E♦R♦ ♦R♦A♦K♦L♦Y♦ in the battle right now. ♦ Lord Starscream ♦ and Ma$ter Kan were identified earlier going toe-to-toe with the gigantic, red, winged form of the Jinn.
One has to wonder if the Lilliputians felt the same sense of awe as they looked up at their opponent, Gulliver? Or how David's guts wrenched as he stood before Goliath?

We can only hope that though these heroes are smaller in scale than the entity before them, they are as successful in their task as the these previous underdogs.


Major Damage to Bursa Landmark:
We have just been informed that the historic landmark, The Bursa Clocktower has suffered major damage. Located in a beautiful park in Tophane, the oldest part of Bursa, this city treasure was struck by the body of Desmond Miles. This heroes impact brought down the western corner of the monument, but in true heroic resolve, Desmond stood up and sped off to re-enter the fight.


2 hours in. Đ₳Ɽ₭VɆ₦₲Ɇ just heaved a series of intense blows to the Jinn, but there is no sign, no indication that he has been seriously slowed or injured by the combined efforts of all these mighty heroes. Scientists from BADGE are on hand and using every device available to study the cataclysmic conflict between good and evil. My sources tell me that the numbers are off the charts. Never before has the planet seen its like. Doomsayers around the world are calling this the End of Days, predicting the Earth will be torn in half by the destruction. I hope they are wrong, but seeing the battle first-hand, I can do only that. Hope.


3 hours, 21 minutes of epic punches, shattering glass from buildings within a mile radius. 3 hours, 21 minutes of spraying blood, brutal punishment, and broken bones. 3 hours, 21 minutes into a decision whether or not we all live or die. This is the countdown to salvation or extermination.
Super James, Cadaverdog, Tri-Blade, and HERITIC are currently forefront in the battle. Things are so desperate, so urgent, even COVID 19 has been seen trying to annihilate the Demon Jinn.


4 hours, 30 minutes into the fight for the planet Earth, there are finally signs of Demon Jinn weakening. According to the scans completed by the BADGE scientists, the instigating villain's reaction time to attacks has slowed by 30%. After consulting her learned colleague, Krystal Fae lives up to her motto of "Knowledge is the ultimate superpower" by coordinating with various groups of heroes to tactically strike at their target. Where before the battle had been a free-for-all of activity as the world's heroes arrived, now they unify into a planetary team. Legions of heroes with the powers of the elements, magic, and the mind create openings for those brandishing fearsome technological devices.
From every corner of this ancient city, heroes are heard shouting the same battlecry. "This is for Gar!"
