Thursday, June 11, 2020

Adventure Contest Entry (The Last Egg: Egg of Visions)

The Adventure Fiction Contest has concluded and over the next week or so, we will be publishing your stories on the blog and in-game. All entries are posted in random order of merit except the top three finalists, which will be posted last.

Note that all entries are published unedited.

Here is the entry by Zombie Ex-girlfriend:

After all the chaos of the Giant Egg battle, I found a strange sparkling and pulsating egg. It vibrated and hummed and clearly this one was not on the chart of known egg types. I had no clue what it would do. I held onto it and waited. Weeks went by and still nobody else had found one of this type, so I took a chance and opened it. Call it a Story Egg or a Vision Egg. Maybe it was a Warning Egg. As it opened there was a massive flash of light which began to swirl and form images. The tale it revealed began in a place that was...
Elsewhere, in a reality just a half-step away from our own, there was a boy that grew up to be SUPERB RAKLY.

This boy, in this reality, was born with great power and a rage deep within. Ugh, we've heard that one before, right? He never understood where his fiery emotions came from. Was it mismatched genetics from the real parents he never knew? Was it all in his mind? Rakly struggled every day to be GOOD follow directions, to cave to other's expectations and to be the role model that society so badly needed him to be. With years of practice he always put on a valiant performance and nobody knew the struggle within. He could never share his emotions with a confidante or friend. Rakly didn't have friends, even if they called themselves that, as much as he tended to create followers ...and those that were just afraid. He knew if at any point he showed personal weakness or mental frailty, then his followers would turn on him in fear of what an infinitely powerful being could do when suddenly mentally unhinged. So the good-boy... the ever powerful God-boy kept to himself and maintained appearances as the years slipped by, smiling alone and truly trusting no one. He battled the simple crooks, the senseless terrorists, the insane villains who often chose the "bad side" simply out of boredom. Rakly had observed that it wasn't just the bad guys being bad, but the ever growing sense of indifference throughout society. An increasing percentage of humans no longer seemed to respect other people, or personal property or more importantly the feelings of others... or life in general. Where was the empathy? So much death. So much killing. So many stayed absorbed in their electronics, head down and blind to it all, but always there was an opportunity for a quick selfie.The ever important selfie. Be it a picture with a best friend or a shot in front of a blazing car wreck, the selfie was worth it just to show you were there. All the while, Rakly continued to repress the blazing star of rage that was at his core and slowly spiraling to a level of super nova.

Then there was the virus.

Not THAT one. In this reality it was the Z-virus. It moved quickly from continent to continent and it certainly didn't help that the pseudo-hero named Black Plague was infected very early on. Her known skill set involved controlling and manipulating the microscopic stuff, the "troops" as she called them... the viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi. Often her abilities were used for a good purpose like jump starting and restoring the flora after a devastating forest fire or bringing life back to a desert or mounting a formidable defense by giving all your enemies diarrhea at the same time. As far as heroes go, Black Plague was often considered a joke or a C-level hero at best and consequentially, she became retired and chose to do good things in the Bio-science field. In this case, Black Plague got the Z-virus and completely lost her mind before she could control the troops that had so quickly invaded her own system. With the virus in full control of her, she started sending out a mutated and aerosolized version of the Z-virus. Superb Rakly had already been purging the virus across the country at a frantic pace. They've always said "kill it with fire" as a joke but it's never funny when the only hope for those still alive is to burn the undead and still walking spreaders of the virus... and especially when you're the guy who has to do it. When Rakly came upon Black Plague, he used the same technique of high heat and flame from his eye beams to eradicate his target and the virus within. In this case, it was a mistake. When undead Black Plague was hit by Rakly's heat and fire, she exploded with billions of microscopic spores that got into the environment and were spread by the winds. If Rakly's world wasn't a horror show before, it surely was now. It became his job to purge the dead and attempt to save the uninfected with this truly scorched Earth policy. Such a large scale purging of human life by his own hand, it's got to take a toll on a guy, right? Up to now, Superb Rakly had suffered no effects from the virus. A slight darkening of the eyes... just maybe. I'm sure he's fine.

Meanwhile, China in an attempt to get ahead of the virus, has detonated a nuclear bomb on their own soil in order to obliterate a large area of the population that was infected. It slows the spread, but the explosion opens a small tear in space between realities.

SUPERB RAKLY: "I caaaann... seeeee... youu."