Friday, February 26, 2021

Character visualisation in Heroes Rising

Visualise and build your character biography for Heroes Rising, as you personalise the game. You can also write up your character's bios in the player's profile page and participate in the fan-fiction forum ( Who knows? You could be included in the official Canon of HR fiction!

Here are some suggestions by Timebender ID: 10897:

I had a dream last night about an elementalist Superboy, who was involved in something similar to the fight club.  Strength, toughness, and optional immovability from Earth, flight, deflection and wind blasts from air (could not use his ranged powers in the arena due to arena rules), heat blasts and the ability to "temper" his earth powered form from fire, and at least vision powers from water (not sure what else he got from that).  He used the vision powers to spot a weak point in a stone giant he was facing and nearly broke him in half...

What does this have to do with Heroes Rising?  Well, it is all about character visualization.  When you are creating a character, especially for the role-play, you need to know who and what your character is...even if that does not match the abilities they get from the powers and gear you currently have on them.

Timebender has the morphon-granted power of bending space and time to produce many effects.  When I am writing the character, I write the powers he uses in view of how his powers work.  He can lift huge masses by bending space to create a localized gravity field.  He can move and act at super speed by bending time.  Anything he does is explained by either his powers or his gear.

That is what makes for role-play: staying in character in the posts.  That requires understanding your character.
