Friday, February 26, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction Short: Awakening the Avatar

  Dr. Osteen walked through his new laboratory. He wasn’t entirely sure where they had placed him this time, but he was certain he was secluded. He even had windows in this lab. From his workstations he could see mountains covered in snow and pine trees. It was a virtual paradise of glorious blue skies and serene views.

Dr. Osteen stared at that window as his equipment continued to process his last experiment. He watched a bald eagle fly by and snapped a picture of it with the computer tablet. He paused to look at the high def image he had captured. Suddenly, the image went black and a voice came through.

“Progress report, Osteen!”

He picked up the tablet from where he had dropped it. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting to report so soon.”

“After the fiasco in Las Vegas, we’re keeping closer tabs on your work. Have you found anything?”

“Yes. After taking samples from all the animals, I’ve been able to extract morphon energy from them. They too absorbed morphons during the Legion event. I can use this to help focus the evolution project faster.”

“Our scientist already know about the morphons being in animals. It has no effect on them, not like humans. What we need to know is how we can use this to our advantage.”

“I can’t give you an answer on that yet. But, I did find something interesting. Morphons radiate at different frequencies. Each frequency seems to have a different effect on the individual. This is why some people are better at flying and others are just strong.”

The voice on the other end answered, “Good, very good. How can we use this to our advantage?”

“I’m conducting an experiment now to determine how we might be able to use them. I have focused on a broad frequency and am using…” a warning siren blared in the room.

“What is that, Doctor?”

“I...uh...don’t know. Nothing to be concerned about, just...I...uh...will go and check on this. Osteen out.” He turned off the tablet and ran over to a machine.

A glass cylinder had a glowing, swirling energy inside with tiny streaks spinning around. The glass shook and the machine was blaring louder and louder.

“No, don’t screw up already. Come on.” Dr. Osteen attempted an emergency shut-down, then ultimately pulled the plug. Nothing worked, that swirling mass of energy continued. The doctor dove under a table just as the jar exploded.

The white energy flew around the room as a cloud. It passed through a wall and vanished. Dr. Osteen pulled himself back up and ran to a set of controls. The wall lifted to reveal his specimens. The energy raced around this room. 

Dr. Osteen cautiously stepped closer to it. “How is this possible?”

Before he could get closer it, it exploded. He was thrown back into the main lab as the energy wave passed over him. Moments later he opened his eyes and found the lab quiet.

“What just happened?”

“” A new voice asked.

Dr. Osteen looked up and saw bits and pieces of lab equipment and computers gathered together and forming a human shaped thing. It looked down at him and cocked it’s head as if curious.

Osteen scooted back and pulled himself up by use of a wall, “what...what...what are you?”

“I do not know. I was energy a moment ago. Now, I think….therefore I am?” it wasn’t certain of it’s answers.

Dr. Osteen’s trembling hand reached over and picked up a small scanner. He checked it, “this isn’t possible. You are made of morphons and spare parts. Strange, you are radiating a single frequency of morphon.”

“Morphon.” it said this as though testing the word. Then it gained a smile on its cobbled together face. “Yes, that is what I am. I am morphons. I am the green energy.” This thing laughed as the parts flew apart and swirled among the glowing green ball of energy. It flew out of the lab like a swarm of insects moving in unison.

Osteen watched it leave through a broken hole in the back wall of his animal holding room. Only now did he notice the missing animals, their cages broken open. “Oh crap.”

Nova and Strange Quark stood in the operations center of the station as Chase gave a progress report over the main monitor. Beside her stood both Gar and Furious Squirrel.

“That’s about it. The Leagues have done a great job in cleaning up the city. Loss of life was extremely minimal.”

Furious added, “I have still been scanning for any sign of Dr. Osteen or any of his stuff. Did you follow up on that signature in Antarctica?”

“Yes. It was just a small piece. Looks like it was planted. Just a distraction. At this time we have nothing to go on.”

“Sorry to say, I agree.” Furious stated.

Nova said, “Gar, I want you...Gar?”

Gar had his back to the screen. Finally he said, “That is a person.”

“What?” Nova pinched the bridge of his nose, not ready for Gars distracted attitude.

Before anyone could answer, the metal man approached and looked directly at Furious Squirrel. “You are of my kind. You have the green energy in you as well.”

“Hello, who are you?” Furious asked.

The metalman looked around the others, “you all share the energy, but only this one draws his strength from the green.”

“Green?” Chase asked.

Furious said, “I think he’s talking about my morphon powers. I am a tech hero, my strength is in my connection to technology.”

Strange Quark stepped closer, “I know what you are… but this is not possible.”

Nova asked, “what are you talking about?”

The metalman looked up right at Quark, “you understand the energies of this universe better than the others.”

“Yes, I do. Nova, this isn’t a person, per se. He is the embodiment of morphons. In particular tech morphons.”


The metalman nodded as if he just realized this as well. “Yes. That is it. I am the Master of Tech, Avatar of the Morphons.”

Quark said, “There are distinct frequencies of morphons. Until now, I didn’t really think it meant anything other than giving heroes unique dispositions toward a certain type of powers. I never imagined they would coalesce into a physical manifestation.”

Nova said, “What do you want, Master of Tech?”

The Master smiled and then closed his eyes. A wave of green energy spread out, but didn’t seem to do anything to anyone except Furious Squirrel. Furious had a tingling glow around him. The Master opened his eyes and said, “I must test my subjects, my children. I want to see how well they use the strength I give. I must be impressed or I might remove that which I give. If I am impressed, the best of them shall receive great rewards. Summon them to a challenge, let them prove themselves to me.” With that last word, he vanished.

Chase looked at the screen, “What was that about?”

Nova asked, “Furious, how do you feel?”

Furious looked at his hands. “Stronger...the strongest I have ever felt.”

Quark said, “you should. That avatar just enhanced all tech heroes to their best strength.”

“To what end?” Nova asked.

“As he said, to challenge them. They must compete to prove themselves. Otherwise, he might take away their powers.”

“Can he do that?” Chase asked.

Quark nodded, “it is difficult to explain in depth. But, he does have power like I haven’t seen much in this reality. He could shut off all tech heroes.”

Nova let out a hard sigh and then activated his emergency signal. “BADGE to all heroes, you may have noticed that your powers have been enhanced if you have tech powers. It is time to head to the arena for a king of the mountain event. Tech heroes, your powers will be stronger, so be careful. There is a promise of great rewards. Go and compete! Prove your strength.”
