Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Las Vegas safe. Giant Robot Monstrosity Stopped by our heroes!!

Only in Vegas. Chaz Hamilton here, reporting on the successful conclusion to a fight that even had Director Nova biting his nails. At one point, the odds didn't seem in their favor, but Lady Luck showed up and brought them a well deserved win. (Is there a hero called Lady Luck? If there isn't, there should be.)

The robot monstrosity finally fell, toppling over like a drunk stumbling out of the Antarctic Bar and Grill on a Saturday night. Its mechanical arms flailed about, doing the last bit of damage to the city of Las Vegas as it crashed into a parking garage, collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut.

Heroes shouted out in triumph as they realized that their hard work and effort payed off. New sources have reported that it is believed that the original BADGE team in the city was tracking an escaped prisoner with ties to the technology used in constructing this massive junk heap.

Whoever this escapee is, I don’t know if he thought his plan through. The robot was a difficult opponent to defeat by all measures, but not that it is a broken pile of spare parts, heroes are swooping in to claim trophies and samples so they can reverse engineer the mechanics to be better prepared for next time. BADGE scientists and technicians have also been collecting the armor plating freed from the robot to analyze it for its unusual properties.

I have a few last interviews with heroes who had comment on the battle in Sin City.

First, Tri-blade returned and shared some additional comments with me.

(Tri-blade, #10879) “I think we can get it done, Chaz. We’ve all been working hard and practically non-stop. The usual heavy hitters have been piling on, but look... do you ser that hero currently wrecking that robot's underbelly? She hasn’t let up in hours! Give it up for Seraphim (10853) for a relentless and unyielding assault. Her ability set has been more than valuable in stymieing this robot. Now if youll excuse me, it's back to work...”

I think it is great to hear our heroes applaud one another. Fantastic shout out, Tri-Blade, to a well-deserving combatant.

I also heard from a new face in the hero scene, The Black Hurricane:

The Black Hurricane (ID #23560), "Doing my part to take this robot down, but man.... the people that look decked and blinged out always seems to outshine someone like me. Why can't I be featured as an up-and-comer?? I'm making a name for myself, too. It's always the ones with connections and resources, never the self-made ones. The unearned strength that get me. If only we could go at it 1-on-1 with our powers with everything off. We could see what's underneath the suits. Even then, these guys are big bodies. Or if I could access that strength. I know the world would be better off for it. Maybe this robot will have lots of spare pieces for me to do something with after I help these guys demolish it. They could do without some of the scraps and tech from this big hunk of metal. Magic attacks seem to do well, but I don't have a revolving wardrobe. So, it's a bit of tech-on-tech action right now. I could use a sizable upgrade. Underdog Stories are never easy. I guess this isn't, either. Come to find out we all might not even beat this thing up. Screw this. I need a payday. I wonder how the other people at my current situation are doing. Maybe that's a more apt comparison."

I’ve reached out to The Black Hurricane and offered to do a full interview with him in the future to help introduce him to Sentinel readers. Be on the lookout for more information on this exciting new hero.

A third hero who reached out on her efforts is a member of the Ice Ray Academy, AphraeltheFaeChildGoddessofInnocenceversion3.0.

Aphrael #11292: “While waiting for energy to reload between magical attacks aimed at seams so those heroes not able to use magic can do better damage, Aphrael has been having those here from her Academy healing the injured, keeping children and teenagers away from the commotion, and keeping the sound pollution from this huge fight to a minimum.”

Finally, Furious Squirrel shared a comment on his activity since the beginning of this confrontation.

Furious Squirrel: “I was there before it all started. Right now, I’m shootn that dumb robot with all my steampunky weapons. I’m keeping it from demolishing casinos.”

I see now that BADGE operatives, such as Agent Leslie and Agent Shannon, are helping to contain the battlefield as removal efforts begin. Many heroes have taken to the remaining local restaurants and their generosity continues. Krystal Fae has been reported leaving a $100,000 tip for a waitress whose home was destroyed and some leagues are digging deep into their coffers to fund reconstruction costs, so people don’t have to wait for insurance companies to prepare and process claims.

Based on data collected, here are the top ten heroes who brought the gun to a knife fight with Mr. Roboto:

614,340 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

571,451 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

488,011 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlเ throws down ][☣][

486,724 Damage: ‡Seraphim ‡

484,705 Damage: ~Lump$um~

422,308 Damage: ~666~GhOsTfAcEKiLla

348,647 Damage: ♦covid island♦

327,645 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

308,672 Damage: Sevon

307,692 Damage: ♦️☠♦️Knightmare♦️☠♦️

Don’t get me wrong, each one of the 379 heroes participating was necessary for this win. Hopefully, they will all be there in the future next time we need them.

Now, I’m going to treat myself to a good cup of coffee and a donut, if there are any left in town.

Be well, citizens of the world. I’ll be ready to bring the reporting back to you if any new threat calls our heroes to action. Chaz Hamilton, signing off.