Monday, February 1, 2021


By Todd Goode

“This is Glacier and Oswald Thaddeus Frosterton the 1st reporting at the halfway point of round 2 of FROSTY LWS 6.”

“Oswald is back reporting. He just finished a quick documentary on why yellow ice is bad. Welcome back Oswald.”

“Thanks Glacier. I’m glad to be back. Did you know that yellow ice tastes nothing like lemonade? It tastes more like salt than lemons…hmmm. Anyways, we should get started on some fights updates.”

“That’s right Oswald we should get started before you try another glass of lemonade.”

“I’ll start it off with some highlights from division 1.  In a strange twist of fate, the 5thPrecinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops are matched up with a league of their own, the 5th Precinct: Galactic and they are beating each other up and down and all around the ring. They’re holding nothing back. I see Nevets 5this matched against Macaia’s Daughter.  Macaia’s Daughter hits Nevets 5th with a Telepathic Assault then Nevets 5thfires back with a Mental Assault of his own leaving here with only 1 hit point to return fire. Unfortunately, Macaia’s Daughter tries to fire back and is taken out by nightmare and curse damage. Someone is going to have bad dreams tonight, right Oswald? Tell the readers about division 2.”

“You got it Glacier, my frosty friend. In Division 2 we have Avengers 51 1ststring fighter, Anomaly, a level 125, upsetting the higher level 264 Seraphim. Anomaly hits Seraphim with Bedrock Knock for triple damage to end the match. Seraphim’s morphon Powered Hook couldn’t get the job done this go round. I bet Seraphim is wondering what happened. My best answer, it’s the Anomaly.”

“Awesome win Anomaly. In division 3, there is a family man taking care of business in more ways than one. Beast of Burden 51, A.K.A. Evo, of Avengers 512ndteam, was up at the crack of dawn this morning, pounding his opponent the Mighty Quim Reaper of the Hunter/Killers. The Reaper falls to the Beast’s Thunder Strike.”

“Hey, Glacier? Speaking of Evo’s Beast being a family man, doesn’t he have family fighting in FROSTY LWS 6?”

“Yes, he does Oswald. His wife and son are competing as well. They are quite incredible fighters as well. We can check them out when we report on their divisions but first let’s look at a division 4 fighter.”

“Avengers 513rdstring fighter, Sevon, is giving fight lessons to a couple of different fighters of the Suicide Squad. Sevon defeats Steamer with a Shrivel attack and then teaches Super Rakly a lesson with a Boomerang Throw. The lesson here is if you’re going to use another fighter’s name, you should at least come dressed and ready to battle.”

“What about division 5 Glacier?”

“Well, we are going to take look at another Avengers 51 player. The Ice Princess, who is wife to Evo’s Beast of Burden, faces Dark Mystic of the A-Team. She shows Dark Mystic who’s the boss in this bout. The Ice princess delivers a Giant Fist that drops the Dark one where she stands. Oh and it’s gonna leave a mark. Dark Mystic should put some ice on that. Oops, the Ice Princess already did. My bad.”

“Oswald, why don’t you run down the highlights on Evo and Ice Princess’ kid in division 6?”

“Sure thing Coldylocks. Let’s run the replay. Wow! He is a youngin Glacier. You sure he should be competing?”

“Just watch the replay and report the action. That kid is stronger than he looks.”

“Okay boss. Here goes.”

“Oh! Ouch! Ooh! That is just….let’s not get on the kid’s bad side. Yeah, he can handle the battles, and with ease. Arctica just hit Romy with bedrock knock. Romy counters with the Xmas Mega Drill. Arctica throws a Thunder Strike but misses. Romy hits Arctica with a New Years Ball. Arctica counters with his Thunder Strike to defeat Romy. Wow! Wow! That kid can throw some dukes and to think I was worried.”

“I told you he was stronger than he looks. Oswald. That family is strong. He has all of his parent’s strengths and none of their weaknesses it seems. I can’t wait to see him fight when he is a little bigger.”

“To finish out the updates, division 7 fighter, Buckaroo of Wild[51]Cards defeats She Ra of the 5th Precinct: Kung Fu Hustle with a New Year’s Ball.”

“Those were some great fights. That concludes the midway point updates for FROSTY LWS 6. Join us at the end of round 2 for final scores. This has been Glacier and Oswald Thaddeus Frosterton the 1st reporting.”
