Friday, February 26, 2021

In the Room with Black Hurricane

by Chaz Hamilton

As BADGE’s official reporter, it is easy to bring you commentary from the point of view of big events as they play out with even bigger personalities. I know that when I say HotWings®, most of you as Sentinel readers know who it is whom I am speaking of. Everyone knows HotWings®, Midgardsormr, Skelanimal, SuperRakly, Kzaz, the Avenger, Zen, and so many more. They have been around the block. They have been featured in some rather large events over the past years. They have excellent social media platforms.

People around the world can picture this hero in their mind’s eye, even if they are a shapeshifter like Fumo Hanzo, the Pirate King.

But what about the new heroes on the block. The new players on the scene, so to say. The ones who still show up to fight the good fight but don’t get invited to the top-notch afterparties when the supervillain is defeated? Their gift bags for attendance are more like participation badges than real rewards.

How is the world supposed to get to know and love them too when they are lost in the spotlight shining on others?

Today, I would like to introduce you all to The Black Hurricane. He fought alongside all of the other heroes earlier as they trashed the robotic monstrosity. He took time to speak with me in between his attacks and I was impressed by his devotion to wanting to be the best hero he can be. He wants to be a peer in the superhero community, but just starting out, he feels underpowered and undereffective compared to the big guns on the field.

Chaz: “Hello. Thanks for taking some time to talk with me today.”

The Black Hurricane: “No. Thank you. I really appreciate you taking time to talk to me.”

Chaz: “That’s what I’m here for.”

The Black Hurricane: “Sometimes as the little guy, even will almost 400 other heroes here in Vegas for the boss fight, I feel alone in my efforts. Maybe alone isn’t the right word. Ineffective. Here the Avengers 51 and WMD are punching like Greek Titans and I’m down here looking like not even making a dent in that robot. It is disheartening.”

Chaz: “Every bit of energy exhausted helped. Everything the BADGE technicians told me showed that if any of the heroes fighting didn’t step up to the table, there was a good chance things would have ended very differently. Speaking of the robot monstrosity, was the fight in Las Vegas your first battle with a giant robot?”

Black Hurricane: “No, actually. I’ve been unable to really expand my horizons, since my powers are just starting to develop. As a result, I've been cleaning up New Amsterdam and Planet X to save up resources. But I have beaten down a few Robo-Raptors in my time over in the Penitentiary. Turns out old Nova himself has had his eye on me. He can't kick it as hard anymore, but he put in some work.”

Chaz: “How long have you had your powers?

The Black Hurricane: “I honestly don't know. Things have passed by pretty quickly. I guess anywhere from a few months to a couple years considering how I'm still trying to get the hang of things.”

Chaz: “Why do you call yourself The Black Hurricane?”

The Black Hurricane: “I call myself that name because of the origins of a cartoon character from a series I enjoyed as a kid. The character's ace monster, their attack name was Black Hurricane. Outside of that, Black Hurricane just sounds pretty nice. Something crazy that's ready to rip through crime if given the chance.”

Chaz: “What are your powers?”

The Black Hurricane: “Well, this is a doozy. Because, I just found out that people can obtain from using their morphons. How to get morphons without really spending like that, I do not know outside of grinding and doing my work for the local community. During Vegas and fighting with Santa, I saw all these big people with massive auras of power around them and just the shiniest of gears. Outside of all that, I found out that my natural superhuman abilities are nothing unless they're amplified.”

“That said, some of my powers are superhuman speed. As I can run at least at 120 MPH. I have strength that can rival massive villains as I can put a dent into them with help from many other heroes. IQ of at least 200. But like there's morphon abilities for all that. I will say, without necessary wealth, I can't become a super-known hero like the ones at the top right now and even some of the ones who remain small, but are monsters to fight against in the fight events.”

Chaz: “Where are you from?”

The Black Hurricane: “I'm from California. LA. The City of Angels. Started out as an underdog story there, moved out and started my story in New Amsterdam just like every other hero before and after me.”

“It's crazy how crime still goes on even with all these heroes around. Though, some of these criminals are no slouches.”

Chaz: “There are some serious foes out there for you heroes. But over and over, you heroes have proven to be up to the challenge.”

The Black Hurricane: “Oh, yeah.”

Chaz: “Did you manage to collect any souveniers from the fight in Sin City?”

The Black Hurricane: “You wanna check out what I got from Vegas just now??? I was hoping for some well-needed gear, but it looks like all the big boys got their hands on it. I got a few of the abilities that came from the bot itself. I have this neat piece of tech that can allow me to download things right off of certain tech.”

Chaz: “Every little bit helps. Even a stick of gum can save you under the right circumstance. You never know what will be useful in the next fight. Against Lady Phoenix, some things worked really well and against the giant robot, with that impressive armor, other attacks, and combined efforts, were needed to finally bring that beast down to earth.”

The Black Hurricane: “I just want the opportunity to prove I am as worthy as the big named heroes.”

Chaz: “Hold on.” Chaz puts a hand up to his earpiece, listening intently to something. “I’ve just heard that there has been an Avatar of Technology at the BADGE HQ. He is calling for heroes to come fight in the Space Arena to test heroes—” A strong gust of wind knocks Chaz to the ground as The Black Hurricane heads off at top speed.

Chaz: “And there we have it, Sentinel followers. Another hero is off to do whatever it takes to be ready for the next big event. We wish you luck, The Black Hurricane. I’m sure we will hear more about you at time goes on.”