Monday, February 22, 2021

Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity Attacks; Has Heroes on the Ropes at the Colosseum

Chaz Hamilton, official reporter for B.A.D.G.E., coming to you from the main strip of Las Vegas, although it might be soon known as Lost Vegas. The giant robot attacking the city has proven to be a formidable opponent to our heroes. After a day of battle, there has been a perceptible shift in the battle. The new, unknown material that the robot is constructed of is proving to be extremely effective against the attacks of Morphon-enhanced abilities, as well as standard fare armaments that are being used by the available military units.

Has some archfiend finally found a weakness to exploit from our heroes?

Will our heroes fail to defeat this monstrosity before it manages to accomplish its diabolical task?

As of this moment, over three-hundred and twenty heroes from around the world have brought their incredible powers to the table, but their combined efforts are not the winning hands we are used to see waged in combat. Almost a full third of the city of Las Vegas has been demolished by energy blasts and massive legs crashing a path with no obvious direction other than to inflict massive damage to whatever and whomever it sees.

The 5th Precinct leagues have arrived and have taken up mostly defensive positions around the town, notably at franchise branches of Dunkin Donuts stores. The members of the Avengers 51 teams are fighting in smaller units. Zen has been on the forefront of the scene, appearing even more diminutive as he flipper-chops at the robots legs. He has left an impressive divot into the metal of the appendage, but so far, no hero has managed to crack the outer casing.

Using the Kaiju defense tactics brought over from Japan, Shinobi has brought dozens of heroes with kinetic attacks to bear in an attempt to knock the robot to the ground. Starmaster and other members of the Legacy of Spawn such as Ace, Senaka, and Krystal Fae join with Shinobi to try to “turtle” the monster, hoping that based on its bulky design it will not be able to stand back up if toppled. So far, whatever balancing gyroscopes the robot uses have proved more than effective to keep it upright.

PAIN-guin, the super-leveler from last league war, has proven his metal as a combatant. His sharpened blades are gouging the surface of the robot, but despite the impressive damage he is doing, he seems mildly distracted. Rather that penetrating into the interior mechanisms of the robot, he is carving hearts surrounding initials into the carapace, the largest one being “P-G + K.F. 4EVR”. As always, Valentine’s Day heartbreak will take its toll on even the mightiest of beings.

One has to note that this is the first trial the heroes are facing sans the Mythics that have reportedly left the planet, despite Santa and Easter Bunny. Has the departure of these being shaken the heroes resolve? Are they used to succeeding with the aid of boons and boosts from powerful overlords? I hope this is not the case.

My friends in the B.A.D.G.E. scientist pool, who as always are studying the battle with various instruments, have reported that many of the heroes are hitting as hard as they ever had before. The top ten dealing damage so far are as follow:

1. 304,078 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

2. 286,744 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

3. 243,537 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlเ throws down ][☣][

4. 225,070 Damage: ~666~GhOsTfAcEKiLla

5. 169,592 Damage: ][☣][Avenger][☣][

6. 152,610 Damage: Fungus

7. 147,071 Damage: ~Lump$um~

8. 141,055 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

9. 133,076 Damage: PAIN-GUIN

10. 128,604 Damage: ♦Zen ﹤(") 5¹♦

While they are doing magnificently as the attempt to defeat this oversized trash bin, the numbers show that they have not done enough in comparison to previous world-threatening events to diminish the giant robot to even half its original strength.

The heroes are going to have to pull out all the stops and think outside of the box if they are going to get this done. Let’s hope that they can turn this long shot into a big payday at the end of it all.

Chaz Hamilton out.
