Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity is going DOWN!!!

 by Chaz Hamilton

Hours of unsurpassed effort have moved the heroes back into a successful position. BADGE technicians, who have been studying the energy emissions of both the heroes and the giant robot, have reported that the monstrosity that has destroyed hundreds of landmarks in Las Vegas is finally showing damage.

Down by 75% of its original power rating, the robot’s energy blasts are weaker and frankly, it just doesn’t seem to have the same spark it originally had.

I must give praise to the heroes. I don’t know what spurred their boosted damage curve, but like luck, I pray that whatever did the job doesn’t run out.

I did have a late response from another hero, Triblade, to my earlier interview request.

(Video switches to a view of Triblade, BADGE ID#10879)

Triblade: “I've seen similar devices(referring to Krystal Fae’s bow) used before, are the arrows ethereal in composition or do you supplement physical objects with enchantments? I think Krystal, you and I and others with origins from other realms than this... and not fully reliant or subject to Morphon presence, may have a chance at overcoming this metallic beast, if BADGE reports are accurate. Let's give it our all, shall we?”

Another commenter came in based on the last interviews I shared.

(Starmaster, BADGE ID#14716 appears on the screen)

Chaz: “I see you have been on the scene for several hours now. How has the fight been going?”

Starmaster: “I’m pleased to say that most heroes are pulling their weight. I think we can get this job done.”

Chaz: “I have to ask what your thoughts are on sly comments made by The SaintlyCloser earlier in the day?”

Starmaster: “It’s nothing I can’t bear. In fact, I find it quite amusing and slightly sad. Here he is, managing an organization like the 5th Precinct and he feels the need to try to diminish my efforts and the small league I created. It takes a very specially educated person to find pleasure in trying to make other people feel small. He must be compensating for something missing or diminutive in his own life.”

Chaz: “I see he has followed up with his own article in the Sentinel, bolstering his position toward you while bragging about his own efforts.”

Starmaster: “And a rather confusing article about equipping for large scale battles like we are fighting in Las Vegas. All I can say is that I wish he would invest in Grammarly before submitting his hen scratching. Overall, I’m fine with letting him say whatever he will. In terms he should understand, ‘I don’t see a gold League War belt around your waist yet, bud, so I don’t hear anything useful or interesting when you speak.’ Anyways, it is time to get back to the fight. Thanks for the opportunity to speak to you, Chaz.”

Chaz: “You’re welcome. Knock some gears out of that robot for us, Starmaster.”

Since there has been a recent top damage report, I will not bore you readers with repeat information. Instead, let’s take a look at some of the newcomers to the scene.

Seraphim, of the Seraphim Angels, is doing quite well. Is this the first time she has been in the top 2 position? I think she was built for this battle, or if nothing else, while in her werewolf-form she is treating the giant robot like her favorite chew toy.

Crossroads has climbed in the rankings since my last report, going from #77 to #59. It is easy to see why she is a favorite of so many heroes between the leagues.

Three-hundred and fifty-eight heroes have currently been spotted fighting this giant robot. It is very hard to pick and choose from all of them and recognize their personal efforts. Each one of them has added to the collective effort.