Monday, February 22, 2021

Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity Attacks; Heroes Speak

Chaz Hamilton here once again with reports as BADGE's official reporter, straight off the streets of Las Vegas where the heroes continue to fight the latest threat to the world.

I’ve had the opportunity to speak with several heroes as the take a brief respite as they continue to fight the giant robot in Las Vegas. Let me share with you the fight from their point of view.

(Video footage of Valliss, Badge ID #20408)

Chaz asks: “How has the fight been going for you, Valliss?”

Valliss: “I’m finding my attacks vs the robot ineffectual and I’ve turned my attention to protecting innocents, flying them out of harm’s way. We all have to do what we can.”

(A new video feed comes from Stained, BADGE ID# 11179)

Chaz: “Have you had much success so far while fighting this monstrosity, Stained?”

Stained: “Stained doing her part, inbetween doing damage to the big ass robot, she’s been out saving show girls from the debris and busy ensuring the safety of all the innocent bottles of liquor and other party items.
    She’s tucking them away at the Sloppy Whore Tavern for safe keeping, if anyone needs a drink after this whole fiasco. The girls, well they are definitely putting on a show, so stop on by.”

(Video changes to Krystal Fae, BADGE ID# 10962 as she wields her archaic, yet intricate, bow.)

Krystal: “I’ve been noticing a lot of stares at my weapon of choice. This little thing? (Krystal holds up the intricately carved bow) It's known as a 'Sagittarius Arcanus'... it allows me to conserve my own mana, by tapping into the local ley line for its power.”

Chaz: “Can you let me know which casino is closest to this ley line? Does the magical influence give better odds?”

(The video screen is filled with Highlander’s impressive physique, BADGE ID# 21107)

Highlander: “I’ve been able to penetrate the outer hull (my powers are not MP based), but the metal is still very resilient and tough. I’ve not been able to access any critical components. Not having powers other than strength and near invulnerability, I’m limited to creating climbing handholds within the robot legs. I’ve penetrated the left leg just above the "ankle," but have been shaken loose from my handholds and dropped to the bottom of the leg on several occasions. I’m still trying to make my way upward to find critical components to damage.”

(Three heroes fill the screen. The Sword of Gerraxia, Astra, and Silent Shadow, who signs his message.)

The Sword of Geraxia: “I’ve been damaging the mechanical monstrosity as much as possible. I have some magical ability, but my efforts have been minimal, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop. I’m in this until the job is done.”

Astra: “I’ve mainly focused on protecting citizens lending to the damage when possible.”

Silent Shadow signs: “I have been attacking when I can and using teleport to get people to safety.”

(Timebender ID: 10897 appears on the video feed next)

Chaz: “Thanks for taking the time to share a comment with the public. How have your efforts been going so far?”

Timebender: “I’ve been saving lives, stopping time in small areas just long enough to pull people out before they would otherwise be harmed.”

(Lykos, BADGE 18321, flies in, doing the Superhero Landing he is known for)

Lykos: “Hi Chaz. I thought earlier the robot was attacking you personally. Glad to see you are alright.”

Chaz: “So far, but thank you for your concern. How has your fight been going?”

Lykos: “I have tried a couple of different things - trying to think outside the box. Clearly punching it just wasn't doing the trick. I tried doing a Luke Skywalker and running a rope around its legs really fast, but it just snapped it in two. Then I tried metal chains, that failed and nearly decapitated a bystander. Why the heck was someone standing around while this thing is on the loose? So, after getting yelled at for putting more lives at risk, I tried digging out the ground underneath it while I saw a bunch of Heroes trying to push it over. I thought maybe the instability of the ground might cause it to tip. All I did was break a water main and get myself blasted with a face full of water. Seriously, man? I don't know what else we can do to this thing. I think the overall attitude I have seen is, just keep punching it. A lot.”

(At one of the booths inside a Dunkin Donuts, The SaintlyCloser #10910, takes a moment from his triple bacon croissant for comment)

The SaintlyCloser: “The SaintlyCloser is saving up his energy boosts for a big push whenever a weakness presents itself. Even holding back, he manages to easily out-perform lesser known heroes like starblaster of the spaceteam.”

{Editorial fact-checking, as often needed when conversing with The SaintlyCloser:
115,460 Damage: Starmaster

115,204 Damage: TheSaintlyCloser⁵ᵗʰ

You can always trust the Sentinel to try to bring you the timely, and correct information.}

Chaz Hamilton: “So, you are holding back your efforts? Does that mean if the efforts end in defeat, you will take responsibility for the failure for underperforming for the sake of upstaging others?”

(Xcentric (ID# 18056) shoves his face into the camera screen, blocking The SaintlyCloser from view)

Xcentric: “Yes even the maniacal and really crazy cop is doing his part. Strategically hitting the bad guys, rescuing citizens and of course their annoying pets, and of course as jewelry, chips, and coins lie around have to rescue those as well. By the way the food is still good around here, and mostly free. Hey wow found a power card as well. Hey every one knows what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Just watch out for Fleagle piles and puddles, ha ha. Closer and the rest of the 5th are doing their part as well. I reckon the Avengers and rest are still cleaning the zoo's and animal shelters while we are restoring law and order and rescuing. You know good help is always hard to find. lol. Ta ta for now.”

(The video feed returns to Chaz Hamilton, with The SaintlyCloser tripping over himself and Xcentric as they run to the door after receiving a message from Director Nova)

We have just received a message from Director Nova, who is very concerned about the efforts being put forth in this latest challenge. He has allocated additional resources to the effort, but has made it very clear that if the fight isn't a win, the heroes will be in for it. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that speech. 
Do your best, heroes. Make the world proud once more!!!
