Sunday, May 29, 2022

After Corrupt Magical Avatar Fan-Fiction: Spinning wheels on a spinning wheel in space..."

 “We want to talk to Chase,” Silver Paladin said to the BADGE security officer who stood outside the entrance to the operations center. “This course of action isn’t acceptable. Not anymore.”

“She isn’t taking meetings right now,” the officer replied with a stern set to his jaw.

“We’ve retreated and retreated again in response to this World Corps.” Silver Paladin slammed his armored fist onto the metal railing of the stairway he stood upon that lead to the command deck on the BADGE Space Station. A line of other heroes trailed down the steps behind him, many from the Star Force. “When is BADGE going to stop trying to keep us safe while the people of the world continue to be under threat.”

Madam Marvelous edged up behind Silver Paladin. “I’ve got family on Earth right now. Many of us do, and I don’t understand why we keep being recalled up to the space station. We’re supposed to protect them, not abandon them.”

“Listen,” the officer said while continuing to stand his ground. “I don’t make policy. Director Nova put Chase in charge, so for the moment, she’s top banana. Like it or not, you need to make like one yourself and split before I have you thrown in the brig for trying to incite a riot.”

Silver Paladin took a step closer to the guard. “We’re leaving the world below us in the hands of murderers and you are going to lock me up?”

“I didn’t say I wanted to, operative,” the officer said. “But I have my orders, too. Nobody is to enter the operations center unless summoned by those in charge.”

Starmaster levitated up from the floor below and hovered next to the men as they faced off. “Paladin. Stand down. Chase can’t do her job if people keep distracting her into one-on-one meetings. Let her and the others figure out what the next course of action will be.”

Turning his helmeted face to his league’s founder, Silver Paladin pointed with his arm at the mirrored window of the operations center behind the security officer. “She’s not a military strategist like Director Nova. She’s an ex-thief. What does she know about leading an attack force? Don’t get me wrong, she’s good at what she does, but we’re not out to rob a bank, we’re supposed to be protecting people. That means we should be where the people are, not hiding up here.”

“Nova put her in charge. We need to trust his judgement. He wouldn’t have done it if she couldn’t handle the job.” Starmaster said.

The two men stared from beneath their armor’s visors at one another for several seconds. The dozen-plus other heroes that arrived with Silver Paladin stood still, waiting for his response. Finally, he spun around and headed back to the main floor.

“Thanks for the assistance.” The security officer unsquared his shoulders and relaxed visibly as the crowd began to disperse.

“We’re all frustrated and directionless right now, so I expect many heroes need something to direct it at.” Starmaster watched the others depart, sensing the volatile emotions dull, but not disappear. “It’s going to get worse if we don’t take some kind of action soon.”

With that, Starmaster floated back down to the lower level to rejoin the others.

The security officer tapped a button on his helmet and spoke into a hidden microphone. “Inform Acting Director Chase we need something to occupy these heroes. They’re primed for a fight and I’m afraid if they don’t get their minds onto some type of action, bad things are going to happen.”
