Monday, May 23, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Strange Allies Part 8

 Nova quietly waited while the BADGE shuttle zoomed across the skies, going unnoticed by anyone while under its own invisibility cloak. EB and Peyton were along for the ride.

“This is pretty good stuff.” Peyton ate on a rather large chocolate egg that had an orange colored filling.

EB bounced around the cabin like a toddler on a long car trip. “That’s my all-in-one meal egg. It tastes like candy, but fills you up like a good meal. I wanted to market it, but I realized I had to use magic to make it and Santa said that using too much magic on humans could be bad. I don’t mind it, it makes a nice thing to make for friends. I have lots and lots of friends. Nova is my bestest buddy and then there’s Gar, and the hotty Chase, and all the heroes, and Santa. I wish Easter was bigger than Christmas, but Santa gets all the breaks. He just does his job so well that I can’t complain. I love his toys, he makes really awesome toys, there was this one...”

Peyton groaned and held up his hand. “I’m sensing stronger currents in time. We’re getting closer to the disturbance.”

EB turned and his ears perked up, taller than normal. “I sense it too. This is bad, really, really bad.”

Nova said, “this is part of the reason you’re with us, EB. Do your thing.”

“Oh, right.” He hopped up to the front of the cabin next to the pilot and then waved his paws in the air. A bright purple flash exploded out from the shuttle. Instantly, large bubbles appeared in the surrounding sky. “Watch out!” EB yelled.

The pilot turned hard to avoid contact with a bubble.

Peyton asked, “what are those?”

EB peered out the front window. “Those are time disturbances. We’re getting closer to the source of the problem. They shouldn’t be too bad right now, not really that far outside of normal time. But, if we intersect one, it might cause some strange effects on you guys, since you both have time powers.”

Nova stood from his seat and also looked out the window. There was a strange seriousness etched into his face. “Pilot, where are we heading?”

“We are on course for Egyptian airspace.”

EB looked up at Nova. “You don’t think...”

“It’s possible.”

Peyton asked, “what?”

Nova coldly answered, “I think I know exactly where we are heading.”


Chase and Craig arrived at the collection area where Justin and Gar managed the crystal stockpile. Dr. Henderson had her staff working diligently in the middle of a warehouse as they prepared a strange contraption.

“What is going on?” Chase asked.

Gar met her, “we’re going to wake an avatar.”


Justin explained, “Dr. Henderson feels we can awaken an avatar with enough morphonic energy from the crystals. I’m having the selected avatar brought down from the station right now.”

“Has Nova returned from his private little mission?” Chase asked.

“No, and somehow that makes me nervous.” Justin answered.

Craig said, “oh, why worry about the old fart? Nova is a tough guy. He can handle himself.”

Chase said, “if you ever want to be an agent of BADGE, you’ll never call him an old fart again.”

Chase’s comm badge activated. She flicked it on. “Chase here.”

“This is Chaz, you need to turn on the news now! No time to explain.”

She gestured at Justin, and he ran over to the main computer monitor. They were met by the face of Judge Alpha from the World Corps, speaking to the United Nations.

“It is with a heavy heart that we fulfill this agreement. I thank the United Nations for putting such faith in the World Corps and hope this is the first step in a long and fruitful relationship. The World Corps will place heroes at all capitals across the planet. Hopefully, our heroes will deter further BADGE attacks, however if there is another attack, they are trained and ready to handle the situation. Fear not, the World Corps will keep this world safe.”

A great deal of applause followed as she stepped back for Beta to take the stand. “Thank you, Judge Alpha. As of three PM Eastern Standard Time, the United Nations has declared that all of BADGE is now considered a criminal agency and all of their agents, heroes, and their leader Nova are wanted. Every nation aligned with the United Nations has issued arrest warrants for all BADGE officials, and Interpol has issued a red notice in the name of each member of BADGE. The priority targets are the heroes and their leader, Director Nova. Under the authority of the United Nations and the signed agreement of all nations involved, all World Corps Heroes are hereby ordered to arrest on sight any member of BADGE, if they resist, you may use any and all abilities you have to remove them as a threat, including execution. We will make this world safe! We will have justice!” This drew a loud eruption of applause from the members of the United Nations.

Justin turned off the sound and quietly looked at Chase. “Someone has to warn Nova. If those world corps augments see him, they’ll murder him.”

Chase shook her head, “trust me, he’s a survivor. Right now, we have to keep our heroes safe. Justin, contact all leagues and tell them they must evac to either North Onnotangu or the station. No other options are available.”

Justin said, “what about Neo Utopia?”

Chase shook her head. “Neo Utopia will remain a haven for non-BADGE meta humans. Gar, get in touch with Prime Minister Shizue and tell her she will be housing a lot more guests. Dr. Henderson, work faster.”

“What can I do?” Craig asked.

Chase smiled at him. “Help protect this place. We may not have much time to find answers before we must flee.”


Nova turned off the monitor in the shuttle. He, too, watched the same announcement from the UN.

“Do you want me to do something about this?” EB asked in a kind voice.

Nova shook his head, “no. We’re almost there.”

“Sir! The shuttle instruments are really going crazy.” The pilot announced.

Peyton stood up and pointed, “look!”

They were approaching what looked like a fountain of light coming up from a craggy canyon in the desert.

EB jumped to the front of the shuttle and slapped his paws on the dash. All the controls returned to normal. “There ya go. Good as new, for now.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Take us down.”

The shuttle landed, and they all disembarked, save the pilot. Before them was a narrow opening in the cliff that opened up wide to a tall, walled crevasse with a strange temple. Stone statues lined the walls, each holding enormous weapons. A throne was at the back with a hole where a jewel once rested. Someone stood before the throne, holding the air with his hands. It appeared as though he were holding brightly colored fabric in the air, which the energy fountain spewed up from.

“What is this place?” Peyton asked.

Nova answered, “the Throne of the Defender, a temple built using ancient, forgotten powers.”

“Who did they worship? Ra?”

“This is not a place of worship, it was a prison. It is a long story and we don’t have time.”

Marching up to the throne, Nova taped the shoulder of the man standing there.

Strange Quark looked back with a smile. “Oh, good. I wondered how long it would be before you got here.”

“What are you doing to time?”

Quark nodded his head toward the rift in his hands. “Right now, doing my best to keep it from breaking. This is one nasty gash in time.”

“Did you cause it?”

“Nope. But I can tell you that something is trying to get through, something incredibly powerful. And what scares me most...I don’t know what it is.”
