Saturday, May 21, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Strange Allies Part 6

 EB and Nova watched the news in the back of the BADGE shuttle. A video showed a young boy punching through walls in buildings, then the footage shifted to the boy destroying police cruisers while the local authorities try to apprehend him.

“This was taken from drones and cell phones across several city blocks of New Delhi, India. The boy, who remains unidentified, destroyed six structures, caused serious damage to twelve others buildings, and destroyed five cars. He was finally taken down with help from a local superhero. This marks the seventy-eighth confirmed case of super powered individuals attacking in cities across the planet. BADGE has remained silent and refuses to comment on the situation. Ambassador Ben Talos will address the U.N. later today on this situation.”

Nova hit the mute button. “I wonder what they’ll do next?”

EB hopped around the shuttle. “I don’t see why you don’t let me punch that Ben Talos right in the balls! He’s asking for one hell of a beating, working for the World Corps, duping all of us in BADGE, being a total, big fat jerk.”

“Attacking him would only prove we’re villains. He’s viewed as just a peaceful functionary of the U.N. We can’t accuse him of villainy, we have little proof of that.”

EB punched the wall. “That big jerk. They set us all up to look bad and then we take the fall without being able to respond. I want to just shove an egg right up his...”

“Enough. Being angry doesn’t solve problems.” Nova said.

EB hopped up to the seat next to him and sat down. “I know. It’s just, all the heroes are my buddies. Now, my buddies are being treated like crooks while the real crooks are getting away with it.”

“We’ll find the answer. They’ll slip up some day. Right now, we have a much more important task to take care of.” Nova watched as they passed through a security barrier outside Neo Utopia and came in for a quick landing in a parking lot.

The moment they exited the shuttle’s aft door, five goons from Rutkowski’s gang met them with Tommy guns.

“Hold it, ya knuckleheads, we’s workin with BADGE right now.” Rutkowski walked up.

Nova greeted him with a quick head nod. “Rutkowski.”

“If ya here bout my top goon hoarding da crystals. I let one of ya heroes take em. Steelfist is pay’n fer disobeying me, trust me.”

“What did he say? I can barely understand him.” EB whispered.

Nova answered EB, “Steelfist stockpiled up some crystals and tried to use them to give himself superpowers. But Rutkowski stopped him and made him turn them over. And I trust Rutkowski to deal with his own people.”

“Glad we’re on da same page.” Rutkowski said.

Just then, Peyton stepped up. “Ah, Nova, you said you were gonna stop by. We got the city under strict lock-down. No World Corps idiots allowed in here.”

“I’m not here about the World Corps. I’m here about a different situation. Both of you have time powers. I need to know if either of you have felt strange fluctuations in time. Fractures or something else like them.”

Both enemies gave each other a curious look, then both nodded. Peyton said, “I have felt something isn’t quite right. I couldn’t put my finger on it.”

Rutkowski said, “ya, things feel just...I Not like when ole Father Time made a mess before.”

Peyton added, “true. This is new. The damage to time from Father Time’s last incursion has been fixed. This is new.”

“Can you give me anything else to go on? Father Time paid me a visit, warned me that this was a real problem.”

“You gonna trust that geezer?” Rutkowski asked.

“I don’t think Father Time would pay me a visit just to warn me of something he’s up to. He was worried, and that worries me.”

Rutkowski narrowed his eyes at Peyton. “You good to help with this?”

“Let’s just do it.”

Both closed their eyes and put one hand out to the other. Touching palms, they quietly waited while they worked through this. Finally, they opened their eyes with a look of agreement between them.

Peyton said, “we can feel the fracture time, but it’s moving in waves. The waves are coming from an eastern direction.”

Rutkowski added, “far off, not just to the coast of the states. Real far off. I bet if ya get closer, the time fracture will get stronger.”

“Thanks. Peyton, could you join me? I could use your help as well in finding this.”


“Hey, you don’t trust me?” Rutkowski asked.

“No. But that’s not why I’m not asking you to come.” Nova said. “Right now, your gang and the Neo Utopia police are the only reason the World Corps hasn’t overrun this city. There are a lot of scared meta-humans here hiding out. I don’t want to see them hurt.”

“I’ll buy dat. Good luck.”

The large mega-screen in downtown Neo Utopia, normally running paid ads, shifted to the International News. “Breaking News from the United Nations.”

The screen changed to the floor of the United Nations. Ben Talos stood with a contingent of representatives as he read from a prepared paper.

“It has become apparent that BADGE is conducting the worst security scam in the history of mankind. They’ve set dozens, possibly hundreds, of super powered people loose to cause havoc. Then, they send in their heroes to save the day to re-assert their domination as our only hope for protection from dangerous meta-humans. The United Nations not only condemns this scam, we have now asked the World Corps to send in their own superhumans to provide the security that BADGE has denied us. This act will secure our people and provide peace in this troubled time. The United Nations will take a vote on this soon. This announcement is directed at BADGE. Your time protecting this world is over and you must admit defeat and accept the proper punishment for your actions.”

The screen exploded in a spray of sparks as Rutkowski showered it with bullets from a tommy gun. “Dat rat!”

EB jumped up and threw an egg that exploded against the screen. “Ya. Take that!”

Peyton held his face while Nova said, “destroying public property won’t solve anything.”

EB snarled, “but it felt good.”

Rutkowski held up his gun. “You want me and my men to plug that stuffed shirt mouthpiece of the World Corps?”

“Sadly, your men would likely all perish. The World Corps is stronger than you think. No, we’ll deal with this. Just keep this city safe.” He walked toward the shuttle, but stopped to add, “But, if one of those augmented people shows up to enforce their will on this what you have to do.”

Rutkowski smiled, still holding that gun. “With pleasure.”
